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I slowly opened the door to our house for her. She kept looking around muttering "WOW" under her breath. Little did she know, this house was hers.

It feels good that this time, I got to bring my wife home. I rarely sleep here. It's either I'm at my parents or just in the office. It sucks not having her here. The last time she was here she was walking out of my life and I miraculously brought her back. I won't be wasting this chance anymore.

Her nurse will be accompanying us tomorrow or maybe next week, she will be staying in an isolated villa near the swimming pool.

Her belongings were sent over the other day so I sorted it down on her room.

"Quick Zachy! I want to go inside" She said jumping slightly up and down while grinning widely at me

"Okay okay wait, "I said to her as I reached for the keys in my pocket and inserted it in the keyhole to open the door. When Persephone heard the door click she pushed me away to open the door and get inside. I shook my head at her behavior with a faint smile on my lips.

I followed suit after she opened the door. I almost bumped into her when I went in. She stood rooted in her spot.

"Peo.." I followed her line of vision "-Persephone" I said lowly

She was looking at our wedding portrait.

When she went away, I took our wedding photo and had it resized and painted on a canvass. It was almost as tall and as big as me. Up until now the picture still blows me away. She was pretty I admit that, but with a wedding dress on she looked even more divine, I even lacked the words to say every time I look at her. Her jet-black hair was flowing in soft curls that reached her waist. Her head was adorned with a tiara with her veil circling behind and around her. There was a small smile on her face, she still had the twinkle in her eyes which could really make you run to her and embrace her. And there I was- In a fine suit, not a smile was traced on my lips. I was devastated to be wed to her.

My thoughts were interrupted when I heard a strangled sob escape Persephone. I took a step in front of her and saw tears streaming down her face.

"Hey. Why are you crying Peony" I said as I held unto her shoulders

Her lips were trembling and she was doing everything to calm down but it looks like her emotions were all over the place.

"Why Zach..." She said her stare piercing through my heart. She called me Zach, not Zachy. I was aware that there would be lapses in her memory, Jenna said. But I wasn't ready for that, I'm struggling to cope here too. The girl that I love is fighting a battle with herself and the only thing I could do was just watch.

"Persephone..I-I" My mind went haywire at the realization that she was back. .. for the meantime, the Persephone I knew was here

"Zachy! Your wife looks beautiful!" She said which confused the hell out of me. She would fall into that hole of normalcy then return to being Peony

I too stepped out of the daze. I didn't know what to say.

I blinked a few times to process her sudden shift, I was ready for the challenges up ahead if it meant I get to bring Persephone back to the way she was before. There has to be a way.


I was neatly tucked in my bed, and I still couldn't sleep. The thought of her in another room was killing me. Sure, I was used to not having her around me when we were married and when the drift happened everything went down the drain for fuck's sake. I placed her in a different room, I think she isn't ready yet to face her old lifestyle so I was implementing it slowly I don't want her to be shocked by the sudden change in her life, I had to take things slow and in her own pace. I can't force her to be okay, it comes with time and a great amount of patience.

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