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5 months later

"Hey, sweetie! How're you holding up in the married life?" Mom giggled on the phone

"it's been magical" I said to my mom with a fake smile. I had to try because we all know moms have the 6th sense. They can detect sadness even if it's a state away.

"I'm pretty sure he treats you like a queen, THE WAY YOU DESERVE," She says and I could sense pride and happiness in her voice.

"He does mom, don't worry," I said while I was here in the bathroom nursing my bruises.

"Awww that's great honey, but why do you sound so sad?" She asked.

See, I told you she can sense sadness. How? I don't even know-how.

"I-" I pause and looked at myself in the mirror and saw my own reflection. My hair was cut short and messy, I was pale as ice and you could see all the bruises all over my body and some on my face. Can I really tell my mom I was miserable here? I wanted nothing but to run away... but he's got me by the neck-both literally and figuratively. I run away he takes everything my mom worked hard for away, and I can't bear that. I'd rather him make me miserable than make my mom suffer. "I just miss him, mom, I'm never used to not having him beside me. But I understand, he's got to take care of his company and I admire him for that" I continued

It must be the only good thing that came out of this situation. He got the position, no one leaked their copy of the vide, so for now, we were safe. But I can't say the same. I miss the guy that I fell in love with, but stupid ole me still loves him no matter what beating he gives me- and I wish I could just stop hoping that he'd wake up from this nightmare.

"Aww sweetie, he's got to do what he's got to do. He's working his butt off for the family you're going to build." She said with a hint of childishness in her voice.

"eww mom no. At least not any time now" I said in an irritated voice

He can't even bear to see my face much more have a child with.

"Okay okay, sweetie, whatever you say. I gotta go now, get ready for bed. Love you!" She said and ended the call.

I just sighed and whispered a subtle I love you too, mom.

Her calls are what kept me alive these past few months. There were no improvements in our relationship. I tried making it work for the first two months. But he became more angry and violent. It all started with a little shove until it became a full-blown push and then became a slap to a punch. I honestly can't feel anything anymore- maybe except fear. That was a feeling I never thought I'd feel for him. He became cold and brooding, he doesn't talk to me that much. You can clearly see the sadness in his eyes. It really took a huge toll on him when Lauren left him as well as the stress of almost losing the position and now what he's going through is the stress of having to keep everything in control in the company when he barely has any control in his own life. I understand the pain that he's going through, he wouldn't change his ways if he wasn't hurt. All his life he had everything he wanted, worked hard for everything he wanted and made sure to achieve everything. But one slip-up almost made him lose everything. But I know nothing makes sense if he doesn't have Lauren by his side- everything was all for nothing­.

Hurt people, hurt people. And it was a fact.

I got out of the bathroom and sat in my room because I couldn't sleep. It was past 10 and I knew that anytime he'd be storming through my room, Yes, my room. We sleep separately, of course, he said the thought of me laying beside him irks him. That's why he threw me out of our room along with all of my clothes and left me to fend for myself. I was so numb that I didn't even cry or even had the energy to feel hurt for a second. Every morning I had to make sure I woke up before he does because if he does catch me in the kitchen things may get ugly. And when I hear his door open upstairs I should e out of his sight. SO I quickly scramble to my room and lock myself as he takes his breakfast downstairs. Sure he calls me for breakfast sometimes, but I never went down because I don't want to face him looking like a wreck because of the beating the night before. The beatings got worst, he had no mercy. It's like my friend's soul left his body and was replaced by a vengeful spirit—and I couldn't fight back. I just accepted everything, not because I had no choice, but because I knew I deserved it.

His mom suggested in getting us a maid but Zach quickly declined, saying he wanted us to have our own time with no one distracting us. I guess he used that lie to corner me every time he wants.

Every day went on like that, I just hid in my room to read books or watch the television as I wait for him to come home and slowly kill me with his bare hands and much more- his words.

I was knocked off my thoughts when I heard the doors slammed downstairs. I could feel his anger throughout the house.

Anxiety was slowly creeping in. I started breathing in and out to calm myself and just accepted what was coming. I accepted that my whole being was reduced to being this- a battered wife.

I waited for him to come up to my room and beat me up like he always does. I could feel his footsteps closer and I swore my heart rammed inside of me like a wild beast wanting to come out.


The door finally opening with a slam, revealing a drunk Zach. His hair was a mess, but he still looked good. His tie was messily ripped off of his neck and a few of his shirt's buttons were open. His hazel eyes were still as expressive as ever, it was something I used to love. But now all I see is pure hatred, anger and hurt. I see nothing but the dull boy I used to love. I robbed the emotions off of him. I deserved every beating he gave me.

It was only a small price to pay.

I let out a strangled breath as I looked up to him.

"Do your worst, Zach," I said with a sad smile and just let myself be dragged anywhere and be pushed anywhere, be hit anywhere.

As soon as I said those words, it was like a trigger for the demon in him to come out. He instantly wrapped a hand around my neck and choked m, forcing tears out of my eyes as I look at him.

"You had to ruin everything." He said as he threw me to the corner causing my back to hit the table. I winced from the impact, I'm pretty sure it's gonna leave a mark in there. Nothing my good best friends can't fix- Ice and hot compress.

He was always saying that, that I ruined everything for him.

He continued dragging and throwing me everywhere with a faint bitch.

My body was no longer fighting, and I guessed he hated that I no longer struggled or fought back. Even if I wanted to- even if the logical part in me was saying to put up a fight, I know I just couldn't. There was no winning in this situation. We were both suffering, but one was more than the other. Who? I don't know.

"I don't know what you said to Lauren to scare her off and have me all to yourself! And I can't fucking believe it worked!" He growled as he slapped me harder than before.

I never said anything to Lauren. She did it all on her own and was only being honest. But no, Zach didn't believe that one goddamn bit. He somehow formulated this idea that I threatened her. He had no idea why it happened, he sure as hell can't blame Lauren because he loved her. So he pointed his finger at me and blamed me. It was easier to blame me than facing the truth.

He pushed me to my bed and here I was laying breathless as he wrapped his hands around my neck and looked at me deeply.

"I wish I never met you," he said with disgust. His hold on my became tighter, I clenched my fist at the sides. I was gasping for air, not even trying to stop his hands from killing. It was easier this way, I believed. Tears were streaming down my face and I had nothing left to do but gasp and let him do his worst.

"I-.." I managed to choke out "d-d-don't" I finally said.

I don't regret meeting him, no matter what happened- I won't. He was beautiful yet so damaged and it was all because of me.

I could feel my lungs burning and my throat enclosing and I can't do anything but cry. I can feel my eyes closing and his scarred face was the last thing I saw before the darkness consumed me.

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