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At last, I was out of that dreadful hole but for only a few days, I'd take what I can get here. At least I was out, right? That's gotta count for something right? And actually, it's refreshing to be out of there. I and Zach were on the drive off to somewhere, I don't know where but at least it wasn't very far from the city. But the sight wasn't as refreshing as having him with me. I only dreamt of this. Him and me, in silence, in peace, and maybe if we are that lucky- in love.

"Where are we going?" I looked at him.

"Uhm somewhere we've both been before. I promised to take you back didn't I?" He answered with a smile his eyes still on the road.

Somewhere we've both been before? I racked my brain with possible answers but I gave up. Instead, I asked for the camera he brought.

"Hey, can I get the camera now? I want to take photos" I said to him

"Why'd you even bother for a camera? it's unlike you to hold one." He said simply

"well, if I'm gonna be stuck in that hospital for a long time I'd rather have memories there. And there's no other way to capture it than having a camera" I answered simply as I searched for it in the bag. I finally felt it, and I grinned as I was setting it up.

"You won't be needing videos because you won't be staying there for long. I promise you" He said with conviction. I smiled at that, he was really fighting for me. For me to live with him. And I'd be lying if I told you I wasn't touched by that.

"Psh, enough of the serious talk! Say hi to the camera my husband!" I told him happily as I filmed him.

"well isn't my wife energetic today" He smirked and looked at me slightly.

"Well, I'm finally out of that dreadful Hospital! Why shouldn't I be?" I laughed and continued filming him. "Let's play 20 questions," I said

"What are we? High Schoolers?" He snorted

"What a killjoy! I just want to learn things about you. Things I never knew" I told him

"well okay" he agreed still focusing on driving

"What's my most annoying trait?" I asked and his ears perked up upon hearing this.

"Well, honey. It annoys me when you squeal over series" He said completely annoyed.

"Well I'm sorry If I fangirl too much on Luke Perry in 90210 I'm sorry but he's a dreamboat" I huffed

"Dreamboat my ass, I'm way hotter than him! In fact, you should be squealing whenever I'm near" He said jokingly. He's joking, right?

"I already said I do mister, stop pushing," I told him and poked his shoulder "Your turn"

"well, Uhm... I'm sorry but I really just have to ask this, you don't have to answer if you're not comfortable with it but I really have to kn-" He started babbling away

"Okay" I assured him through his babbling

"I'm sorry I was so sensitive, how stupid of me to ask something like-- what, okay? Really?" He was surprised.

"Yes, I'm okay with it. I wanted a new beginning, I'm coming off clean" I assured him as I placed my hand on his

"Well, okay. Uhm when you went away where did you go, what did you do." He asked, seemingly nervous.

I gripped his hand tighter assure him it was fine.

"Well, I didn't go that far. I just went to the next dainty town. I wanted to start somewhere small and simple. So I went there, lived peacefully and worked at a grocery store." I cut my story short before I could get into the dark part of that grocery store. "What did you do when I was away," I asked him, returning his question.

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