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It's been two months since Persephone's accident and she's still hasn't woken up. I made it a point to visit her every day as long as I could before my work could call me. I haven't talked to my parents too, I couldn't face them. While I and Leslie's relationship still was as awful as it is. We tried to evade each other's presence. I'd make it sure I'd visit her without Leslie around. I just know she'd throw things at my face.

I was also fixing some things in the shadows. I finally caught the bastards that attacked Persephone that night and let's just say the streets of that quaint town are safer now. The jail was being way too kind, seeing as they unleashed the devil inside me it would be righteous to unleash said devil on them. That's what I did and to no remorse. They were the perfect outlet for my pent up anger

"Hey Persephone, I should be out of stories by now. Seeing as I'm here almost every day. But... I never told you about what happened when you weren't around.." I said as I reached for her hand like I always do.

"I was a mess. A pure and utter mess, I couldn't even go home because you weren't there. And at that moment I believed you'll never come back. So imagine my relief when I saw you. But the day I did, I was torn between happiness and guilt..and of course sadness. My world really crashed, I didn't know what to do I just needed you back. I took some anger management classes, saw a psychiatrist. I wanted to be better for you, I wanted to be better when you came back" I said all choked up. I tried reaching for her hand.

But something in me stopped midway, I didn't deserve to hold her hand. I didn't deserve her and that was the whole truth. Her head grew back it was now back to its long waves but not as long as it were before. Every day the nurses would bathe her using a sponge and I'd always offer to comb her hair. It became a routine for the past three months.

I stopped myself. She looked so peaceful, I didn't want to disrupt that ever again.

I just looked at her. And just... observed her.

The door suddenly opened and there entered Leslie. She stopped in her tracks and looked intensely at me. It was my cue to leave. The two of us could start another world war if we one won't step out of this room. I grabbed my coat and stood up going around her. But what caught me off guard was when she held me by the arm without looking at me. Her hand was shaking.

"I..just...I just need to know why" She said her eyes looking at her daughter, her voice shaky.

I stepped back and looked at her.

"I was consumed by anger Leslie," I said and looked at Persephone laying quietly there.

"Anger is never a good excuse" She gritted through her teeth

"It isn't but the only thing I could give you was the truth. I won't bother sugarcoating it. Because it's the truth." I said and sat on the couch in the room while she took the stool next to Persephone.

"I got angry because I thought she ripped the life I deserved by being married to her. But I never knew she would give me something much better than that, something real, something pure. I never knew that. I was blinded. Every time I laid my hand on her, I would quickly hate myself. I became the person I was afraid of becoming, I became someone I never knew." I said solemnly while she wept silently for her daughter.

"she loved you," She said

I chuckled lightly " She never failed to make me feel that, she never forgot to remind me that I could still be lovable. She wasn't the one who lacked, I was. I know sorry's won't get me anywhere. But I really am sorry Leslie, I tried to fix her. But I just couldn't."

She sat there silently.

"You always made a good pair. You were like a son to me Zac. That's why when I learned that you did this to her, I-I just couldn't believe it. It wasn't the son I knew. It wasn't the Zac I knew." She said as silent tears traveled on her cheeks.

I sat there in silence.

"I forgive you. If Persephone was here, she'd tell me the same. She'd want peace. She was an angel" She said a smile dancing on her lips.

"She is." I agreed.

We were both emotional. That much I could tell. She turned to me and sat beside me and hugged me. And I felt like I was a little boy clinging unto his mother for forgiveness and together we cried until we couldn't anymore. I kept muttering sorry's to her hoping she knows how sincere I am.

Our moment was cut off when a doctor knocked and came in.

"Good morning Doctor Walsh. Any updates?" Leslie stood up wiping her face as she tried to smile at the doctor.

"Yes, I do. I need you two to sit down for it." He tells us

We follow just that and wait for what he was about to say.

"She's been responding to the treatments lately, that's a good sign." He smiled at us and just like that I felt like I could breathe again there was hope. "But, I'm afraid there might have been complications. She punctured her heart, Any deeper and she could have died when she stabbed herself. I'm afraid that as soon as she wakes up she'd be connected to tubes for the rest of her life, that's the worst-case scenario. These are the complications that I was talking about but we still hold no certainty-" I cut him off

"She's gonna wake up and she's gonna be fine! Who are you to put a definite decision on this matter! The hell will I let her live in the hospital stuck to some tubes! I won't allow my wife to go through that torture! Not again!" I stood and shouted at him.

"These are just her results. And as doctors, we are finding loopholes and possible effects on her conditions. We need to be prepared to cater to her. As I was saying, she punctured her heart-- a vein to be specific. This vein is responsible for carrying oxygen and blood for her circulation. Any further damage will cause her heart to stop, we can't have that. So it's either she'll be stuck with tubes and tanks for the rest of her life or she dies. Of course, a heart transplant is on the option but that resource is scarce. It needs to be specific. I'm just telling you the worst-case scenario, but we still need to wait for her to wake up for further examinations but as of now, we still can see healthy and productive progress from her body's response to the antibiotics. I hope you can prepare and sort yourself. This is no delicate matter. That's all. Any more questions and I can gladly answer them in my office. Good day, I'll be doing my rounds" He said and got out of the room immediately.

I raked my hand through my hair to calm down.

"This is nothing, that is just the worst-case scenario. It's not definite Leslie. We can do this" I assured her, but more like. Assuring myself too.

Leslie was rattled.

I stood in front of her and bent to her level.

"no matter what happens, I'm here. I'll make sure she gets the best. I'll do everything. No matter what it takes. I'll give her everything. I vowed to be there for her in better or for worse, and I'm still here. I'll always be." I said assuring her.

Silence engulfed us and the only thing making a noise in the room was the monitor. But what I didn't expect was a response.

"Till death do us part. I do"

It wasn't Leslie, for sure.

It was Persephone. And she was hazily looking at me but with a smile on her face.

And I froze. 

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