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I never knew it was possible to cuss in different languages- but I know in my mind I just did. I almost dropped the bottle that I had in my hand. I gave him a sheepish smile eyeing the door where Lauren was in and looking at him after. Damn damn damn I'm soooo screwed! Zach suddenly gave me a flat look

"You have got to be kidding me," He says flatly looking at me

Damn! Why are we best friends! He practically knows me inside out.

"Zach, I'm really sorry I wanted t-" He cut me off and took a step forward and was grabbing the door handle behind me. I think my lungs stopped working? Yep, I'm sure It did.

"What are you doing drinking soda? You're not at prom Persephone" He said as he rolled his eyes giving me the bottle of beer to replace the one I have.

Sis, when I tell you I was relieved- It was an understatement. I have to remind myself of the facts here, I am his best friend-JUST his best friend. I have no right in meddling with their relationship. So I racked my brain with options on how I can get him away from that friggin door!

"How about we go to your balcony? I think I need air" I said and offered him a nervous laugh.

"Sure." He says offering his hand for me to take, and take I did.

I grabbed his hand as we made our way to their balcony. God, there were so many people here! I guess, they deserved to celebrate because the fact that we got out of college still sane is a big achievement. Lord knows Iw as on the brink of total meltdown If I lasted a week in there.

"I never expected there'd be so many people, I know this is really not your scene..but I hope you're having fun anyway," he said looking back at me with a smile and a gentle squeeze on my hand, which brought me relief.

We finally entered the balcony and I inhaled the fresh air that welcomed me, god knows what I was smelling besides the smell of sweat, even I wouldn't go there. I had a lot on my plate at this very moment!

There was something about this balcony that calmed me, I always made it a priority to hang here If Iw as visiting him. It was almost every day for the first two years until Lauren weaseled her way into Zach's life. How? I don't know-how. Trust me, I'd like to know too. I approached the railing and held unto it as I looked far.

I felt him come up behind me and settled next to me, our shoulders touching while casually sipping our beers.

"Are you happy?" I asked him suddenly

I was having this internal battle in my head right now whether to tell him about Lauren or just let him be stupid until that girl sucks the life out of him- and not the kind of suck most guys go for, okay?

"Sure am. What more can I ask for?" He said with a content smile playing in his lips.

"I'm happy you are," I said giving him a genuine smile.

And the war inside my head kept raging on. It wouldn't stop, I started tapping on the bottle creating a small sound.

"Whatever it is you're thinking, you know you can always tell me right?" He said and bumped his shoulder with me as a sign of comfort.

How can I? When I know it'll break him. I can't do that to my best friend, to the guy I like. Seeing him in pain would only cause me that as well. He deserved everything the world has to offer because he was the best.

"It's just...It's just another whole world out there, you know? I feel so little. It feels like the first day of college again." I said truthfully

"Well, if it feels like the first week of College.. best believe you'll still have me to fall back on," He said with a wink

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