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It was my dream wedding; I was wearing the gown that I loved when I first entered the shop. My face was made up beautifully. I was wearing the most elegant ring with a diamond sitting in the middle of the band shining glamorously and most of all I was marrying the man I love the only downside of the situation was- my groom didn't love me back, at least in the way I wanted him to.

My mom suddenly entered the room with a gentle smile on her face. She was angry at me for almost a month and I get that, it was so irresponsible of me to do that. Never have I ever done something out of character. I was Persephone- the perfect daughter who just graduated college and was hell-bent on repaying her adopting her. But all I did was put her firm at risk.

"Hey there honey," She said and stood behind me fixing my veil as I stared at the mirror in front of me.

I just returned her smile. I didn't have anything to say because I was currently shitting bricks underneath this gown.

"You must be happy right now, you know? Marrying the man you love" She said as she smiled at me while holding my arms gently rubbing circles on it to calm down my nerves.

My feelings for Zach wasn't a secret. We were that close, It was the ideal bond I dream of if ever I found my mom way back when I was young- and I found it in Leslie Argos. She was there whenever I get hurt seeing Zach so happy especially when he introduced Lauren to me. I thought we had a chance, turns out he was introducing me to the love of his life.

"Yeah.. marrying my dream guy." I murmured sadly

"You're growing up way too fast." She said walking around me and stopping in front of me just to hold my hand in hers "I remember the day I first saw you at the orphanage. Your eyes just shone brightly and I just knew that this bundle of trouble is the one I want to annoy me for the rest of my life." She choked holding in her tears. I reached for her face and wiped the stray tears that made way down on her cheeks.

I smiled at her as I remembered that day. I was 6 years old If I was not mistaken, that this woman came strolling in with her yellow sundress.

"That's probably the only right decision I made in my life. I love you so much! You've grown into a wonderful young lady" She finished and hugged me

I just wrapped myself in her warmth, I needed her, she gives me strength and especially I needed some of that strength for the life I'm about to take on. Our hug was short-lived

because we heard a knock from the wedding coordinator and we had to fix ourselves before we walk down the aisle.

"It's time." She said with a smile and led me the way.

With every step I take, I feel like my heart was beating louder and louder. I can feel my hands sweat oh god what if the bouquet slip? What if I trip? Zach would be embarrassed I should have opted for flats. I calmed myself and I felt the doors open and heard the cameras clicking. I started walking on the aisle my eyes never leaving the altar. I wanted to run away but I know Zach would hunt me down like a fucking animal.

We were at the altar when my mom offered my hand to Zach, I almost didn't let go of her hand. But Zach already took my hand.

"take care of my baby please," She said

"I will," He said and offered my mom a gentle smile and turned to look at me with a subtle glare.

Mom, he won't.

I ACCEPTED MY FATE THE MOMENT WE FACED THE PRIEST. All throughout the ceremony my mind has been wandering to God knows where. I mean who wouldn't? I don't know what life awaits me! All I knew is that it was with him. If it's a good thing or bad? That I don't really have an answer.

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