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As soon as I heard Leslie banging on our door. I swear I heard the flatline. It was the end game. She came to get her daughter back. Everything was in chaos, everything was starting to fall apart.

Fuck. I was just starting to get her back.

Persephone was sitting on the floor clutching her head. Shaking it violently.

Philip was lying on the floor catching his breath his face a little flushed with wide eyes.

I calmed my breath as I stormed towards the door to open it.

I was praying. Damn, I was. I never did, But now I need that so-called God of ours. I needed to keep her with me! I just got her back! I can't endure being without her anymore.

As I neared the door I took a deep breath and swung the door open. What welcomed me was Leslie's resounding slap.

"HOW COULD YOU HIDE MY DAUGHTER FROM ME! YOU BASTARD" She shouted at me her face contorting in Anger.

I held unto her hands to stop her from punching me.

"Who is she?" Asked Philip still on the ground but slowly standing up as he clutched unto his neck

"She's the lady!! Wh-who are you!?" Persephone shouted shakily still seated on the floor

Leslie's face seemed to deflate with sadness as her world-her daughter asked her who she was.

"Baby... I'm your mother. Leslie, do you remember me?"She asked her slowly approaching her.

"N-n-no! I don't know who you a-are! Zach tell me!" She said as she looked between the two of us

"Peo-" She cut me off as I couldn't exactly find my words

"ZACH!!" She shrieked her arms flailing

"I-I c-" I was cut off yet again


My composure was long gone. As soon as Philip said those words I launched myself at him. To hell with it this guy is just the fucking nurse, how dare he enter the conversation.

I punched him square on the jaw. I heard him grunt Leslie just fell into the background as I pound into his face with pure anger and hatred. In a way, I placed the pity that I had on myself and placed it into every punch.

Persephone was shrieking in the background. And that was all I heard- and once again I turned into the monster I hated. The monster Persephone hated the reason why she had to leave. The reason why we ended up like this.


I watched as Zach and Philip brawled. Exchanging punches, but Zach had the upper hand he pinned Philip on the floor shouting profanities at his face.

With shaking hands and feet I stood up and tried to break them up. But as I neared them I grabbed Zach by his shoulder but he pushed me away with a force that I collided with the Full-length mirror I pulled earlier. Shards of glasses went flying to every direction and at that moment, with the glass breaking- with it being broken. I suddenly found myself being....complete?

I looked around because I was hearing chaos.

My heart almost leaped out of my chest when I saw something oh so familiar.

The beast that resided deep within Zachary.

He never changed, monsters don't change. He was just like those filthy bastards who took everything from me. Monsters all of them!

I watched as my mother helplessly cried on the corner clutching her hand in her chest as tears poured from her eyes

"Bring me back my daughter you bastard!!" She shouted

"God damn it!" Philip coughed out, agony written on his face as Zach threw blow after blow.

"You meddling loser!" Zach shouted "I can't afford to lose her! You keep on pushing all my buttons! You keep on pushing me to let her know everything when she's not ready!"

They quarreled some more. I looked at the shards of glass on the floor.

Is it me?

I look... incomplete. I looked lifeless. I touched my face to make sure it was really me, and the girl in the mirror didn't lie. It was still me. I felt like I was lost for a long time and I couldn't find my way back even if I tried. Even if I goddamn tried.

I tried to stand up again to stop them. As I regained my composure I slowly walked up to them. My mom completely froze for a second. Philip too, but Zach still didn't stop from pinning him down.

When I reached him

"Told you I was right," I whispered loud enough for him to hear. Zach's figure stilled " Guys like you? They never change." I said with pity and venom lingering on my voice.

I hope he could hear the hate in my voice. Because I despised him. I hated him with everything that I have.

"P-p-Persephone" He stuttered as he let Philip go and approach me.

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