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Philip's POV

He's a nice guy. Sue me okay? I never thought I could say that about him. But he is, maybe he changed. Love does things to a person and sometimes we don't know if it will take a turn for the worst or for the better. I watched how he takes care of Persephone. Yeah, I got used to calling her that too even if I was here for just a few weeks.

He tucks her to bed, entertains her whenever he is at home and casually takes her out to the mall and sometimes dinner.

I can see Persephone falling for him all over again. I didn't know how it began. I know she just did, just by the way she looks at him.

A person could change, their looks and all. But one thing will only remain, the way their eyes shelter their emotions.

I bet she looks at him the way she used to. And he looks at her the way she does.


I've seen changes in Persephone since she went home. Right where she belongs.

I was sitting on the grass watching Persephone water the plants.

It was a peaceful day. She looked at peace too, her hair has grown a bit to a quite long bob. Her skin was glowing and her scars healed by now. Some were just fading. But she was doing okay. And I'm happy that she is.

"Philly? Can we go to the park nearby? I'm bored" She said as she settled in front of me with a pout. She crouched to my level not minding that she was wearing a dress.

So she was uh... flashing at me.

"P-Pe-Peony. You might want to stand up." I stuttered, I felt like I was burning hot! I can feel my ears burning. Holy crap

"Why?" She leaned closer

Her face was inches away from mine, her eyes boring holed into mine And at that moment, I really saw her that way.

She was breathtaking. Her eyes seemed brighter, her lips rosier, her cheeks redder, her lashes longer. And it's because she found her way back home.

And home was Zachary.

But at that moment I kind of wished I was her home. But who was I compared to Mister Big Shot?

"Okay. Okay. Let's go there." I offered her my hand and she took it. I grabbed some necessary things from my room and went out with Persephone holding unto me.

She was still not comfortable with being in public space especially if there are guys around.

That part I could understand just why, those low life bastards.

I settled on a swing beside her and started swinging slowly. She was silent, it was new to me because she has been voicing out her thoughts lately it was a big step to recovery.

"I don't know who I am anymore, Philly." She said quietly.

"What do you mean Panini?" I asked her. Turning my head to look at her.

There she was clutching at the handles on her side. While looking across.

"I get these dreams every night. And I feel as if it were true. I was in it, but I looked..older? I was living in the same house that we are living in now. But you aren't there." She answered

"And?" I lead her

"And the same thing would happen all over and over again. A guy would knock loudly on my door as if he was angry and he'd shout Persephone, And when he'd get in he'd hurt... he'd... hurt me." She finished quite shakily.

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