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I've been living the past few days at peace. The usual routine. Mom would visit in the morning, Zach would drop by at lunch and goes to work after only to return at night after his work and me shooing him away for him to get a decent amount of sleep before he works again and Philip would be by my side when Zach goes home. They had this cute little rotation going on.

SO far Philip hasn't said anything to both my mom and Zach.

It was finally Zach's turn to watch me. I was busy watching a movie on the flatscreen in front of me and he has papers scattered all over the bed and read two papers on his hands, turning to the other paper from time to time. A flickering image of him studying the same way he did now way back in college. I smiled at the sight, he has always been a hard worker.

I kept staring at him until he finally turned his head to my direction and quirked an eyebrow at me as if asking "what?"

" Nothing.. I just wanted to memorize your face." I said to him and smiled

"well look your heart out, the merchandise's yours anyway" he said and smiled brightly and winked in my way

this caused me to chuckle and smile widely at him. He resumes looking at his papers.

I just wanted to look at him as much as I can. Im afraid that once I close my eyes I'll forget his face- I didn't want that.

He had my heart and everything that came it it. And he didn't know to what extent, I was irrevocably in love with him.

I love the way his eyes squints when he doesn't get a thing he was reading. The way he pouts slightly when he's so into the material his reading. He also mutters some things he is reading. I can't believe I finally got the guy- but this will be shortlived.

Atleast in this lifetime I knew I had the heart of one Zachary Larson, and that was enough to put me at ease.

I absentmindedly reached for his hair and ran my hands through it.

"babe, you know what that does to me. I'll fall asleep in an instant if you keep doing that" he groaned adorably

"You look stressed, just wanted to take your mind off of things for a sec, you'd grow grey hairs at thirty if you keep doing that" I said to him and laughed

"I don't care as long as I have you with me to pull them out and make me look young again" He joked

"yeah right as if" I answered

We just chuckled and settled to silence again. I can sense him getting frustrated with the papers he was reading because his head kept swtiching to the other after another.

"Here let me help, we know im a genius at contracts" I said and rolled my eyes at him.

"Yeah sure, i taught you that!" He argued

"Well now the teacher becomes the student" I smirked at him

I scanned the documents for a few minutes to see what it was lacking,, and what were the loopholes.

"Got it, merge the hotel with the restaurant," I said simply

He gaped at me.

"what do you mean?" He said

"Well as per the reports you gave me it seems like your restaurants clientele decreases on the weekends where it should have been booming. SO by merging it with the hotel, instead of shutting it down and magnifying your losses, you'd be able to minimize it if you merge it with the hotel which your food service sucks by the but don't tell your dad that" I told him in one go and rolled my eyes. "It's kind of a win-win situation. Although merging the restaurant would mean kicking out it's current kitchen staff," I said and thought again

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