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I was visiting the institution almost every day. I've had a few moments with Persephone and every second mattered to me. And sometimes we had moments of silence where no words needed to be exchanged, just observing her to understand how she works and thinks. Because how can I help her If I didn't understand her, right? I also spent some time with the nurses just so that I know what she's been through all this time and how they treat her here. Of course, I had to do all those things because I'm not letting her rot here. I had to bring her home, and that was with me. I would do everything I can to bring her back,

We were seated in the lounge and she was carrying the baby doll in her hands rocking it back and forth with a faint smile playing on her lips.

"Hey Peony" I called out

to her, I got her attention but she shushed me

"Shh Zachy you'll wake up my baby" She shushed "He gets too cranky when he wakes up," She said and flashed me a smile

Oh dear, It hurt seeing her like out of mind.

"Do you want to get out of here? Go somewhere fun?" I urged at her smiling like a little kid, I wanted to lighten the mood.

"Out?" She said and looked around as if examining the walls around her

"Please, Please Sephy" I begged her with a childish grin on my face.

She stopped rocking the baby and glared right at me. I froze immediately, I felt like there was this shadow that loomed over her face when she heard me say some of the nicknames I gave her way back in college.

She blinked a few times.

"What are you doing here?" She said anger laced in her voice she stood up and realized she was holding a baby toy in her hand she dropped it and saw the dress she was wearing- it was an oversized dressed on her, the one you wear in a hospital. She looked around her surroundings.

I stood up and reached for her, she flinched under my touch.

"Persephone, it's Zac-" I was cut off by her sudden change in attitude.

"Zachy!" she says as she giggled as her eyes fluttered again

Okay... what the hell just happened? Awhile I was sure as hell she was digging my grave in her head and now she's all sunshine and butterflies

"Where's my baby Zachy?" She asked looking around and finally saw her baby on the floor. She rushed to pick the toy up and rocked it slightly while trying to shush it.

"I'm a horrible mother," She says her eyes near shedding tears.

I knelt down to her level and sat with her on the marble floor.

"No Persephone you will-"phew! Abort mission! "a great mom!" That was a good save right? I wouldn't want her blowing off on me now.

"I am?" She asked for the assurance with her lower lip quivering

"Yes, you are. Now, won't you introduce me to the baby?" I asked

She just giggled at me and turned her attention back to the doll trying to soothe. If she was the old Persephone she'd rather choke herself than get caught giggling, I smiled at the thought.

"His name is Prince Zander, He's got my eyes and his dad's smile and I believe he's got his hair from me too," She said and poked its cheek.

I smiled sadly at the baby, that would have been a sight. Seeing my child with her eyes. Her eyes are one of the things I found beautiful about her. It's just so expressive, you can tell how she's feeling by really looking into her eyes.

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