Chapter 1

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Cruento Mortem High School. Even the name made Yuri shiver. When he had first heard the name of his new school, he had done a double take.
"Doesn't mortem mean death in latin?" He had asked nervously. He wasn't sure what cruento meant, but he was sort of terrified to find out. When he had asked the lady at the office about the name during his enrollment test, she had been pretty vague about the origin.
"Oh, the name comes from an old ritual of our town called mortem autem sanguis. It's not the most pleasant thing, but they named a school after it. Now, your schedule..."
Now that he was here, he was starting to think they had a good reason for putting death in the name of a school. The building looked fine, having been recently remodeled, but the gardens looked shriveled and dry. He also noted that the few students hanging around outside looked like they would enjoy nothing more than to brutally murder him. He was starting to wish he had taken self-defense classes after all.
Once he was inside, he sighed in relief. The hallway wasn't a pleasant sight, with battered old lockers, wads of gum and unnamed matter stuck on the ceiling, and the mob of rowdy high schoolers swarming the halls, but it looked like a normal high school.
Yuri looked at the sheet of paper in his hands.
"Locker 169," he muttered. He walked cautiously through the crowd, trying not to be noticed by nerd-hungry bullies. Eventually, he found his locker, and squeezed past a couple making out to access it. He opened it and shoved his materials inside.
"Isn't this place crazy?"
He heard an excited voice to his right. He spun, and saw a friendly looking guy, with dark hair and skin.
"Um... y-yeah it's pretty crazy," Yuri agreed timidly.
"It's not nearly as bad in the junior high campus. But I have a feeling this place will be a lot more fun. What do you think?"
Yuri hesitated.
"Well, I didn't go to the junior high campus. This is my first year here," he explained.
"Oh that's cool! It's a really crazy place, but it's a good kind of crazy. Mostly. I'm Phichit by the way. I'm a freshman. You?"
"I'm Yuri. I'm a freshman too."
Phichit clapped his hands.
"That's great! We'll probably have some classes together. Hey you want to sit with me at lunch? I'm sure my friends will like you," Phichit offered.
"O-ok," Yuri accepted shyly.
"Cool! Hey, what class do you have first? I've got... English."
Yuri glanced at his schedule quickly.
"I do too," he said. "In room 207?"
"Yeah! Come on, we can walk there together."
Yuri grabbed his stuff, and followed Phichit down the halls. He was surprised he had made a friend so quickly- though he hadn't really done much. It was mostly because of Phichit's friendliness. Still, he was glad he had someone to talk to. It had taken him forever at his old school to make any friends. And even then, he had had very few.
He shook himself out of his thoughts as he and Phichit arrived at room 207 for their English class. Phichit slid into a desk beside a small guy with long blonde hair. He gestured for Yuri to sit at the desk on his other side.
"Who are you?" The blonde kid asked Yuri angrily. He had a Russian accent, and what seemed like a permanent scowl etched on his face.
"Yurio, don't be rude," Phichit chided. Yurio held up a specific finger in response.
"Ignore him, he's a brat," Phichit said cheerfully.
"Ok..." Yuri said uncertainly.
"You're such an idiot, Phichit," Yurio grumbled. Phichit grinned.
Before the two could continue bantering, the teacher walked in and class started.

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