Chapter 37

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Seung Gil launched himself at Emile, who reacted instantly. The blonde vampire used the other's momentum to spin him towards the edge of the roof. Unfortunately, Seung Gil managed to stop himself in time, digging his feet and hands into the roof. When he stood, chunks of roofing tiles were stuck in his hands, but he didn't have time to pull them out before Emile was leaping at him, aiming a kick towards his head.
Seung Gil dodged it, and Emile barely managed to stay on the roof himself.
The second he got his balance, he dove at the other vampire's feet, knocking him to the ground. He launched a series of punches towards Seung Gil's face, but only a couple connected before he was kicked off, into the side of the roof.
The exchange had taken barely three seconds, and Emile heard a confused gasp from Sara.
Both vampires glanced at the human for a split second before they moved again. Seung Gil had realized that Emile had a very glaring weakness at the moment and sped toward the defenseless human. Emile launched himself between them, catching a painful blow to the face that could have shattered Sara's skull if it had connected. It knocked him to the ground, and he only had a split second before Seung Gil would attack her again.
With a vicious determination, Emile grabbed Seung's leg, and bit down on his ankle until he hit the bone. Seung Gil yelled in pain, crumbling to the ground, and kicking Emile off him.
Emile tumbled several feet away, towards the edge of the roof, gagging at the taste in his mouth and spitting what counted as blood for vampires out on the ground.
As he did, he had a vivid memory of doing the same thing a few days ago. When had he attacked another vampire?! Who had he fought?
He groaned in pain as a memory he'd lost- no one that had been ripped from his head- tore back through his mind, settling back into place.
JJ had made him attack Otabek, he remembered. Both him and Seung Gil. He'd forced them, using mind control like he might on a human. And then he'd wiped their memories.
Emile dry heaved as he remembered the horrible feeling of attacking without any real control of his body. It wasn't the same thing that happened to humans, he thought. His mind hadn't slipped away, his body becoming an obedient puppet while he was blissfully unaware.
Whatever innate thing humans possessed that protected their minds from the invasion, vampires seemed to lack. He'd been forced to watch himself tear the fledgling apart, unable to do anything about it.
He could do nothing, nothing, nothing. The helplessness threatened to overwhelm him until he heard a panicked shout.
He looked up, seeing Sara backing away. Seung Gil held an ice skate in his hand- where the hell had he gotten that?- and was aiming towards Sara. The split second before he threw the skate, Emile acted, leaping in front of Sara.
Just before it connected with his head, a cloud of purple electricity surrounded Sara and she vanished. Someone else- the witch- appeared in her place, collapsing at the same time Emile did.
Emile laid on his side, vision swimming in and out. Seung Gil had frozen in shock, one hand in the athletic bag he'd brought from practice- Emile had forgotten he was still wearing that- searching for the other skate.
Emile felt black 'blood' seeping down his forehead and into his eyes. It stung, and he raised a hand to wipe it away, only to find his body wouldn't respond to him.
Behind him, he heard the witch pushing herself to her feet.
"Stupid vampires," she muttered, and flung a hand out. Emile felt a horrible twisting in the air. Everything was expanding out, yet shrinking in to a single point. It felt like he was dying and being born all at once. Seung Gil crumpled to the ground, blood leaking from every orifice. He twitched once and was still, and Emile had no doubt he was dead. If that spell had been directed towards him, he would be dead too.
The thought seemed strangely funny, and he tried to laugh, but it didn't work. He sounded a bit like a car starting, which was both frightening and funny to him.
The witch had doubled over coughing, and when she stood up, there was bright red blood leaking from her mouth and nose. The sight normally would have made a vampire's mouth water, but even in his somewhat addled state, Emile instinctively knew that the witch's blood would not be good for his health.
She turned towards him, and he made the strange car-laugh again, unsure if he was scared, amused, insane, or all of the above.
He might be dying, Emile realized.
The witch knelt next to him, looking distinctly irritated.
"The only reason I'm not letting you die is because you protected Sara," she muttered. Whoever she was talking to, he agreed they shouldn't die. Sara was very important. The more people that protected her the better.
She gripped the skate and yanked, and Emile's world became pain. A sound left his mouth, and he wasn't sure if it was another car-like laugh, or a pained whimper. Whatever the case, it felt like something was missing in his head. He wanted to get up to go find it, but he still couldn't move.
The witch's eyes were closed and she was mouthing something. Emile's head was now clear enough that he felt a distinct stab of fear as she extended a hand towards him.
The same pain he'd felt earlier swept over him, along with a sensation like a warm hug. There were clashing harmonies and loud silences in his head, and he felt pure torture and pure bliss all at once. It lasted forever, and yet was over in the blink of an eye, and he was shocked to be alive at the end of it.
Even more surprising, his mind was completely clear, and the gaping wound in his forehead was gone.
He felt exhausted and weak, his energy completely drained. But he was alive.
"You're welcome," the witch muttered, looking just as exhausted as he felt. "My name's Mila by the way," she added. Her face was still covered in blood.
"Emile," he replied, voice distant. He felt like he was in some bizzare dream. This couldn't be reality, could it?
"Nice to meet you," Mila said politely, then she face planted and the world he hadn't realized was closed opened as his senses roared back to life.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2021 ⏰

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