Chapter 26

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Victor and Mickey crouched behind a bush close to JJ's base. Mila was
"She sure is taking a while," Victor whispered quietly.
"I'm sure she knows what she's doing," Mickey replied, sounding extremely uncertain.
"She certainly does," a third voice input softly. Both fledglings jumped. Mila has snuck up behind them without them noticing.
"So what's the news?" Victor asked, trying to sound nonchalant.
"Pretty powerful wards alright," Mila told him.
"Can you break them?" Mickey questioned apprehensively. The witch scoffed.
"You don't break wards," she replied.
"Then how-" Victor began.
"You force the paradoxes to cancel each other out. It makes the spell sort of dissolve into itself."
"Sounds like breaking to me," Mickey muttered under his breath. Victor silently agreed, but decided it was better for his health if he didn't say anything.
"Move back you two," she ordered, shooting Mickey a dirty look. They obediently crawled away from her until she whispered they were far enough.
Mila moved out from behind the bush. She raised her arms and began to chant. The paradoxical scent Mila radiated washed over them, stronger than ever. A wave of wind gusted over them, both bitter cold and scorching hot at the same time. A horrible dissonance seemed to resonate through the area. Victor and Mickey both covered their ears, but it did nothing to block out the sound. It was felt rather than heard, and their whole bodies vibrated with it. It turned into something melodic, harmonious. The fledglings relaxed- and it was over.
Mila's scent had faded back to normal potency, the wind had stilled, and the not-quite-sound was gone.
"The wards are dissolved," Mila announced.
Victor and Mickey gaped at her.
"Well? Let's go rescue some humans."
"The wards are gone!" Chris announced in disbelief. He, Yurio, Phichit, and Minami were crouched on the opposite side of JJ's base.
"What?!" Phichit exclaimed.
"Shhh," Chris shushed.
"Sorry," Phichit apologized.
"I don't know how or why but... I don't feel them at all any more." He frowned.
"Does it matter?" Yurio hissed in a forced whisper. "We can go in now, can't we?"
"Didn't any of you sense it?" Minami asked suddenly.
"What do you mean?" Phichit asked.
Minami looked uncomfortable. "It was... something strange. Just before the wards disappeared. I'm not sure how to explain. It just felt wrong."
"I think I know what you mean," Chris said. "There was sort of a vibration in my skull, and everything felt a little bit... off."
Yurio and Phichit nodded. They'd both felt something like that too.
"So can we go-"
"Wait." Chris's voice was suddenly urgent.
"What it is?" Phichit asked quietly.
"Do you smell that?"
All the vampires inhaled deeply. There was a scent of something fresh and clean, yet ancient; like a spring of water, and like burning wood; like earthy dirt, and like the open sky.
"What is that?" Minami asked, bewildered.
"A witch," Chris answered breathlessly.
Emile stepped easily to one side, dodging Sara's attack. At the same time, he plucked the ruined chair from her grasp with one hand, and caught her wrist with the other.
"How dare you," she seethed. "I trusted you. You were my friend!" She tried to kick him, but he stepped away.
"I deceived you, and betrayed you," he said amiably. "I used your loneliness to my advantage, and I kidnapped you. You have every right to be angry."
Sara didn't answer. She tried to wrench her wrist away from Emile's grasp, but he had a grip like iron. With her free hand, she tried to hit Emile in the face, but her blows never connected. He dodged them all with inhuman speed.
He dragged her towards the bed. Sara pushed down panic. What was he going to do to her?! But he just pushed her to a seated position, and leaned against the nightstand.
"I think you deserve to know what's going on."

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