Chapter 33

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When Yuri tried to touch the front door, a painful shock surged through his arm. There was a piece of paper stuck to the top of the door frame, purple electricity radiating off it. A spell, he realized.
There was a piece of paper over every door, and the windows were similarly guarded. When Yuri flung a heavy vase at the window, it was flung backwards, not leaving a scratch.
They were trapped. Yuri exchanged a nervous glance with Guang Hong. The only way out of the house would be to break down the wall. They didn't have the time or the means to do that.
They had to hide.
"Yuri," Guang Hong choked out, grabbing Yuri's arm in a painfully tight grip. He was pointed at something on the ground. Yuri squinted, trying to make it out. It was a small puddle of blood. Yuri glanced down, seeing one at their feet.
He could feel the blood draining from his face.
If they had been leaving a trail behind them, they wouldn't have much time to hide before...
They both froze as they heard a muffled laugh from a couple stories up.
It was JJ.
Yuri could feel Guang Hong's hand trembling around his wrist- or maybe it was Yuri who was shaking.
"We have to split up," Guang Hong said in a strangled whisper.
"What!? Guang-" Yuri protested, only to be cut off.
"We're both hurt, it's impossible to know which one of us is leaving the trail. We don't have enough time to bandage it and find a place to hide," he explained urgently. "If we split up, it might give one of us a chance to make it out. Or at least hide longer. Please, Yuri," Guang Hong pleaded. Yuri could feel tears in his eyes. They both knew that if Guang Hong was found first, JJ would probably kill him. But JJ would kill him anyways. This was the best chance for both of them.
"Ok," Yuri agreed.
"If he finds me first, you have to stay hidden," Guang Hong said, voice shaking. Yuri shook his head violently, but Guang Hong was determined.
"He'll k-kill me anyways, Yuri. You can't let him... You can't give yourself up if he finds me. Don't let him use me to... Just please, stay hidden," Guang Hong choked out. "Promise me."
Yuri could feel tears pouring down his face, but he nodded. "I- I promise," he managed reluctantly.
"Yuri~" a muffled voice called, much closer this time. "Where are you?"
The two humans exchanged a pained glance and ran to hide in opposite directions.


Victor hated just standing there, unable to do anything. He knew Mickey felt the same way. They kept exchanging pained glances, but neither of them dared to interrupt Mila.
Although she had released the ward, she was still apparently maintaining two spells at once, though she wouldn't tell them what the second one was. A steady flow of blood was dripping from her nose. The scent of it was nowhere near human, which was off-putting to both of the fledglings. Her forehead was covered in sweat, and her brows were furrowed in concentration.
Though she had updated them on the bare basics of what was happening on the roof- like the fact that Yuri and Guang Hong had escaped into the house, she had fallen silent. Victor thought she might be in the middle of casting yet another spell.
He wished there was something he could do, but he had to trust Mila knew what she was doing. The witch had been around a lot longer than he had. She had someone to protect too.
Suddenly, her eyes snapped open. She blurted out a curse in Russian, surprising Victor, and turned her eyes, which were now purple and sparking, on the two fledglings. They both flinched as an unpleasant backlash of magic washed over them. She spoke urgently, electricity crackling around her.
"Georgi's in the area, so be on your guard. If your senses come back, it means I'm incapacitated or dead. Be care-" suddenly she vanished in a flurry of sparks.
In her place, a disoriented girl stood looking warily around. Mickey let out a choked sob, and the girl turned towards them.
"Mickey?" She asked weakly. Mickey wrapped her in a hug, crying into her shoulder.

Yuri on Ice: Vampire AUWhere stories live. Discover now