Chapter 16

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A/N: First, I'm sorry for uploading this chapter late!!!!! This last week has been hectic.  Second, I need to thank everyone SO much for 1K views on this story!!! That's insane!!!!! Thank you so so so much!!!!!!! You are all the best people on this earth!!! ❤️❤️❤️ And lastly, here's the chapter! Please enjoy!

It was 1924. JJ was still a fledgling, for born vampires are fledglings until they are around 18. His great-grandfather, who was around 612 years old at the time, was bouncing him up and down on his lap. Though older than some countries, Jaques P. Leroy still looked no older than twenty.
"Jean," he said to JJ, "have I ever told you about the days when blood was in great abundance?"
"No, Grandpa," young JJ laughed. "But we have enough blood now, don't we?"
Jaques sighed, and stroked his great-grandson's hair.
"Enough. Yes, that is the right word. But in the old days, back when I had just become a full grown vampire, we never had to settle for enough. No matter where you traveled, you could find more than enough blood to gorge yourself, and still leave plenty for other vampires."
"Really?" JJ gasped, eyes wide.
"Yes," Jaques chuckled, his eyes clouding over as he remembered better times.
"Back then, a single human could feed a vampire for months at a time."
JJ scoffed. "No way. We have to drink almost a whole human's worth of blood every week!"
"Ah, but it was not always so. Back then, the humans had richer, fuller blood. A vampire could drain the weakest of humans, and survive for sometimes 6 months afterward."
"What happened to the humans?" JJ asked, voice quiet. "Why did their blood get... bad?"
"I suppose," Jaques said reluctantly, "that the fault lies with the vampires."
"What? That's not fair!" JJ protested.
"Because of the abundance of good blood, the vampire race swelled in population. Some of the humans fed on became vampires. Had vampires fed on the humans with less rich blood as well, the number of humans with strong blood would be far greater. However, the vampires became too choosy. Nobody would feed on those with weaker blood, so they thrived. Had children with the same blood. Eventually the good blood that would satisfy for months became scarce, then rare. Now, I wouldn't be surprised if there's not a single drop of the old blood left on this earth. If there were, you'd be impossibly lucky to find them. No, the old days are long gone. Vampires are becoming a smaller race again. A day may come when we're as rare as the old blooded humans, and then... we may cease to exist." Jaques saw the look on his great-grandson's face.
"Oh, don't worry, Jean," he said, ruffling the fledgling's hair. "That day is far in the future, if it will ever come at all. Now, come and have some lunch. Your great-grandma picked some blood up from one of our donors."
"But I want fresh blood," JJ whined.
"Not until you learn to erase memories," Jaques told him sternly. "Our existence is a complete secret. Do I need to retell you the story of the little fledgling who nearly caused the extinction of the vampire race because she forgot to wipe a human's memory?"
"No," JJ answered, grumbling. "I remember it." It was his least favorite story that Grandpa told.
"Good," Jaques said. "Don't worry. You'll learn eventually."
Grandpa scooped up JJ, and placed him on his shoulders.
"Grandpa, do you think I'll ever find someone with old blood?"
"If you do," Jaques said seriously, "don't let anyone else have their blood. You are the only vampire in existence who deserves blood that good."
"I am the only vampire in existence," JJ whispered to himself, repeating his great-grandfather's words, "who deserves blood that good." He closed his eyes, clenching his fist so hard, black blood seeped out from his hand.
"Yuri," he whispered furiously, "I will have your blood again!!!"

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