Chapter 31

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Chris was moving towards the mansion before any of them could stop him.
"Chris!" Yurio hissed quietly but viciously as they all hastily followed, "what the hell are you doing? You're going to blow our cover!"
"On the contrary, my dear Yurio, I don't think I am," Chris responded with a dark smile. Yurio frowned, and Phichit and Minami exchanged a glance.
"If JJ senses us, any surprise advantage we had is gone," Phichit reminded him.
"We may have allies, and even a witch possibly on our side, but you know how powerful JJ is. Do you think we can beat him and keep Yuri and the other humans safe?" He asked. His words were delivered much harsher than he normally would, but the situation was too dangerous to be softening words. Phichit met Chris's eyes determinedly. Chris looked back calmly.
"Tell me, Phichit, have you been able to sense anyone since the witch broke the wards?" He asked. Phichit frowned.
"No, I haven't," he replied.
"What does that have to do with-" Yurio began. Minami elbowed him, earning a dark glare from the Russian teen, and Chris continued.
"But we could sense the witch for a split second. So why can't we now?"
There was silence as the other three vampires considered his words. Before any of them formed an answer, Chris asked another question.
"And if we're far enough away that JJ can't sense us, why were we able to hear his projection? If we were in range, he should be able to sense us already, correct?"
Chris glanced at the three of them.
"Tell me, what do you three sense?" He asked. Minami was the first to answer.
"Nothing, except for a strange humming in the back of my head. It's kind of giving me a headache," he admitted. Yurio and Phichit nodded, stating they felt the same.
"A strange, wrong humming, right? It's blocking what we can sense," Chris said. Three pairs of eyes widened as his friends reached the conclusion he had. Without waiting for a response, he began running toward the house, the others hot on his heels.


Mila knew the ward she'd set would only last so long. Normally, she could keep something like that up for an hour or two, but there were complications. Her focus was definitely divided.
Trying to maintain three spells at once could do that to a witch even of her caliber.
One spell she absolutely could not release. If she let it drop for even a second, their biggest advantage was gone.
The split second she'd sensed them, she had thrown up a massive general ward. It stripped every being within it's reach of their sixth sense. None of the vampires could sense each other, and she could sense none of them.
This was taking up a large chunk of her energy, especially since she'd cast it while weakened, but if it fell, their four secret weapons would be discovered.
She would keep the other two spells active as long as she could, but the ward would be the first to go.
Mickey's eyes widened, as if he had just realized something.
"Mila, Sara and the other humans are still up there," Mickey said, sounding panicked. "You heard what JJ said. He'll kill Sara! Why would you-"
"I'm not going to let that happen!" She snarled. With the amount of power she was expending, she was unable to control the spark of magic that flared out with her anger. Both the fledglings took a few nervous steps back.
"I have been alive for centuries. This is not my first hostage situation," she said shortly.
Victor's brow furrowed as he thought.
"Are you somehow watching them?" He asked hesitantly.
"I am currently casting three spells, one of which is to keep an eye on the roof," she confirmed. "If the situation gets out of hand," she continued, eyes unfocusing for a moment as she watched the two conscious humans make their escape, "I'll handle it. I still have an ace up my sleeve."

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