Chapter 3

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"Y-y-you're Victor Nikiforov!" Yuri stuttered, absolutely shocked.
"Oh, yeah, I forgot to tell you about that," Phichit said. Yuri just gaped at the legend sitting next to him.
"Victor, this is Yuri," Phichit said. Victor extended a hand. Yuri stared at it for a moment before taking it. Victor shook his hand.
"Hello, Yuri, it's nice to meet you!" Victor said cheerfully. Yuri noticed his hand was very cool and smooth. Embarrassed, he thought his hand must seem hot and sweaty by comparison. He hoped Victor wasn't disgusted.
"So, you skate, Yuri?" Victor asked.
"Uh-um yeah," Yuri stammered. His heart had skipped a beat when Victor said his name. He drew out the 'u' in a way that Yuri had never heard before.
"That's wonderful! We'll have to show you the rink later and see how good you are." Yuri just nodded, in a state of shock. Yurio sniggered.
"I think you've got a fan Victor," he mocked. Yuri's face instantly turned bright red. Victor laughed.
"There's no problem with that," he said lightly. Yurio scoffed and turned back to his conversation with Otabek.
Victor turned back to Yuri, who was desperately trying to calm his pulse. He wasn't sure why his heart was pounding so hard. He thought for a moment. It was probably because he was so nervous. He was meeting Victor Nikiforov! His idol! And Victor was actually talking to him.
"Hello? Yuri? Are you alright?" Yuri snapped back to reality.
"Huh?" He said eloquently. Victor smirked a little.
"I said are you enjoying your first day at CMHS?" He repeated.
"Oh! Y-yes very much!" Yuri answered. Now that you're here, he added in his head. Wait, that had been in his head, right?! He panicked for a moment, hoping he hadn't said that out loud. Victor didn't seem to react at all, so Yuri assumed he hadn't accidentally voiced his thoughts.
"That's wonderful! I'm glad. It's always nice to get a new student, especially when they like skating."
Suddenly, Yuri felt a chill go across his entire body. He shivered.
"Yuri? Hey, what's wrong?" Phichit was asking.
"I- I don't know. I just suddenly got this huge chill. It was weird."
Victor and Phichit exchanged a glance. Chris looked at him worriedly.
"I'm sure it was nothing," Yuri said.
"Of course," Victor said. "Say, Phichit, Chris, want to show Yuri where the ice rink is?"
"Yes!" They both said quickly. Victor and Phichit both grabbed one of Yuri's arms, and began escorting him. Yuri, embarrassed, tried to pull away, but they were both surprisingly strong. It didn't seem like they even felt him. Or maybe he was just really weak.
They marched Yuri out of the cafeteria, Chris close behind him. Once again Yuri felt a strange chill. He looked back where the rest of the skaters were. They didn't seem to find the fact he was being kidnapped by his classmate and two seniors (one of which was VICTOR FREAKING NIKIFOROV!!!) strange in the slightest.
"You'll love the ice rink, Yuri. It's really nice. And it's only for the school to use, which means the figure skaters are pretty much the only ones who ever go there," Phichit rambled.
"Yes, and it should be empty at the moment. We may be able to skate a little!" Victor said. They continued dragging him along. Yuri had no idea why it was so important that they go to the ice rink this second, but he allowed them to 'escort' him. (Read, drag him) After all, he might get to see the legendary Victor Nikiforov skate in person!!!
He very quickly forgot about the strange chill he had gotten.
He didn't feel it the next time. If he had, he might have looked back, and seen someone staring after him with a look that could only be described as predatory.

Yuri on Ice: Vampire AUWhere stories live. Discover now