Chapter 13

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Yuri gasped when he opened his eyes.
"It's an ice rink!" He said, shocked. "But how did you..." he stared at Victor who was grinning broadly.
"That's why it's so cold down here," he explained. "I had to turn the AC way down to get it to freeze. I cleared the floor first, then hosed it down, and let it freeze. I added several layers, but it's still not quite as thick as I'd like. There wasn't quite enough time. After that, I went to a sporting store and I got some skates for you. I can use my own." He led Yuri to a few chairs he had set a few feet from the ice.
"Where are we anyways?" Yuri asked, looking around at the windowless room, and sitting on the sofa next to Victor.
"Oh, this is the basement," Victor explained. They started taking off their shoes, and putting on their skates.
"Wow! I didn't even know we had a basement!" Yuri laughed. Victor didn't say anything, but he had gotten a thrill of happiness when Yuri had said we and not you. He was glad Yuri was starting to feel at home.
"It's awesome!" Yuri said, his smile from ear to ear.
"I thought you might be missing skating," Victor said. "And I was too. But now we can skate together!" Yuri blushed at his thoughtfulness.
"I really was missing skating. I can't wait to get back on the ice!" Victor stood, and offered him a hand up. Yuri took it, and they walked to the ice, still holding hands.
After they had taken off their skating guards, they skated out into the middle of the makeshift rink.
"This is pretty nice for a homemade rink," Yuri praised.
"Thank you," Victor said. "Now, shall we skate?"
They each skated through their routines. Several times, Yuri stopped to watch as Victor glided beautifully across the ice.
"Why did you stop?" He called at Yuri, just before launching into a jump.
"Um, I was... distracted," Yuri said, reddening. He went back to his routine, not noticing that Victor was now watching him. After he'd finished, Victor skated over to him.
"That was really good," he said encouragingly. Yuri's face instantly heated up.
What's wrong with me today? He asked himself.
"Th-thanks! It wasn't nearly as good as yours but-" he stopped as Victor took his hand.
"Your technique could use some work, but your performance was incredible. The way you skated, it was like you were using your body to unleash the music. I haven't met many people who can skate like that."
"I- you really think so?" Yuri asked, shocked. His skating idol was complementing his performance?! This was a dream come true!
"Of course!" Victor laughed. "The way you danced and moved with the music is mesmerizing. It's hard to take my eyes off you."
Yuri blushed again.
"Th-thank you. But my jumps aren't very good."
"I think you could really become a star if you worked on improving your jumps," Victor encouraged.
"Well... my main problem is when I compete. I get really nervous and flub my jumps. I bombed last season because of that. The pressure gets to me and I mess up." Victor thought for a moment.
"I guess we'll just have to work on improving your confidence then," he decided.
"W-we?" Yuri asked, unsure if he'd heard correctly.
"Yes. We," Victor confirmed. "Yuri, I'd like to be your temporary coach. What do you think?"
"I- I- I-"Yuri stammered eloquently.
"It's settled then!" Victor said cheerfully. "We can continue practice down here until we fix the whole JJ problem. But," he looked at his watch, "for now, we should probably go back up. I'm sure the others are wondering where we are."
Victor gave a wink, left Yuri stuttering, and walked off the ice.

Yuri on Ice: Vampire AUWhere stories live. Discover now