Chapter 9

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"Is everyone I know at this place a vampire?!"
"Pretty much," Chris admitted, earning an elbow from Phichit.
"Not everyone," he said. "Just the majority of the figure skaters."
"Ok... who isn't a vampire?" Yuri asked.
"Out of all the figure skaters? You, Guang Hong, and Leo."
Yuri stared. "That's it?" All the vampires nodded.
"Well, some of us are fledglings," Minami amended.
"That's another thing. What's a fledgling?" Yuri inquired.
"A vampire who isn't fully a vampire yet. In other words, we were turned, but we haven't fully become vampires yet," Victor explained. "I'm a fledgling. That means I'm pretty much a vampire, but I'm not quite as strong, and I haven't stopped aging yet. I'm also sensitive to the sun."
"How long have you been a fledgling?" Yuri asked curiously.
"For about eight months," Victor estimated.
"How long do you stay a fledgling?"
"It varies from person to person," Chris stated. "I was a fledgling for six years."
"And I was only a fledgling for two days," Minami added.
"But the average is anywhere from six months to a year," Victor finished.
"Ok. How did you become vampires? Or fledglings."
The vampires exchanged glances.
"No one really knows," Phichit said after a brief hesitation. "It just... happens. And we know it's triggered by something other vampires do, but... the cause of the transformation has never been discovered."
"You sound very scientific," Yuri laughed. Phichit grinned.
"What are you talking about? I am very scientific!" They laughed.
"So, who are the fledglings, and who are the full vampires?" Yuri asked.
"I'm a fledgling. So are Otabek, Michele, and Georgi," Victor answered.
"Who all lives here?" Yuri asked.
"Just us," Yurio said, "but Otabek is going to move in next month."
"What about the others?"
"Well, they're sort of their own group. They all live together, except for Michele, who lives with his sister," Chris said.
"Why are you separated?"
"They have a different view on things than we do," Phichit explained.
"We're against the whole drink-and-wipe thing JJ does," Minami continued. "They just pick a random victim, drink a little from them, then wipe their memories. We don't do that because it's unethical. And it's too easy to lose control like JJ did with you."
"But JJ's a lot older than we are. He's been a vampire for several decades longer than me," Chris said, "and I'm the oldest of our group. So he's more powerful than we are. We can't stop him from taking blood from whoever he wants."
"What about Guang Hong and Leo?" Yuri inquired.
"We have a sort of pact..." Victor started. "It's difficult to explain. As long as he leaves any humans at our table alone, we don't interfere when he feeds off of others, and he won't completely drain anybody."
Yuri thought about that. "It sounds like the 'pact' was completely shattered to pieces," he said a little nervously.
"Yeah, both sides pretty much broke their part of the agreement," Minami agreed.
"But who broke it first?" Chris wondered.
"It all depends on if JJ 'claimed'- I hate that term. If he targeted Yuri before or after Phichit invited him to the table," Victor reasoned.
"Why would that matter?" Yuri asked. He was feeling a little overwhelmed, and was trying his hardest to follow these confusing vampire politics.
"Well, if he quote, 'claimed' you before, than it would be my fault, because we're not supposed to bring claimed humans to the table. But if it was after, then he's the one to blame. Whatever the case, the pact was completely toast after he fed on you, and Victor rescued you," Phichit said.
"So... what happens now?" Yuri asked worriedly.
"War," Chris said simply.
"Мы полностью завинчены," Yurio muttered. Victor nodded grimly. Yuri didn't need a translation to understand their situation was dire.
"So, what do we do?" He asked anxiously.
"You need to heal," Victor reminded him gently. "We'll start doing what we can to protect ourselves and you."
"Oh. Ok," Yuri muttered, desperately wishing he wasn't so useless.

Yuri on Ice: Vampire AUWhere stories live. Discover now