Chapter 7

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When Yuri woke up, he felt better. He still felt weak, but he wasn't hurting as much. He gently touched his neck, and felt a bandage. He opened his eyes, and saw Victor sitting in a chair by his bed, watching him.
"Good morning!" He said brightly. Yuri tried to sit up, but instantly felt woozy, and had to lie back again.
"Um... G-good morning," Yuri said shyly, shaking off the dizziness.
"Are you feeling better?" Victor asked. Yuri nodded.
"I- I still don't think I can get up," he said quietly, "but I don't think I'm going to pass out or anything."
He was still really nervous, though he reassured himself Victor wouldn't hurt him. Once again, the Russian seemed to know what he was thinking.
"It's alright," he said gently. "You don't need to be nervous."
Yuri gave a slight smile.
"Can you read my mind?" He asked. Victor shook his head.
"No," he said. Yuri heard a 'but'.
"Can you hear my heartbeat?" He asked. Both Victor and JJ had seemed to know when his pulse was raised.
"Yes," Victor answered, "I can. Does it bother you?" Yuri thought.
"No," he said truthfully. "Not really."
"I'm glad. Are you hungry at all?" Yuri hesitated, then nodded.
"Yeah, I am a little."
"Well, I'll order a pizza then." Victor stood, and went out of the room. Not ten seconds later, he stuck his head back in, making Yuri jump.
"What kind do you like?" He asked.
"Oh, whatever you like is fine," Yuri said without thinking.
"I, um, don't eat pizza..." Victor said awkwardly. Yuri flushed.
"Oh! I- s-sorry! I- sorry. Just... cheese is fine," he finished, lowering his gaze.
"It's no problem," Victor assured him kindly. "Cheese it is." He left again. While he was gone, Yuri examined the room he was in.
The walls were painted a blueish grey color, and the carpet was a dark brown. There was a door that led to the bathroom, and another door that led to the rest of the house. The curtains were a dark grey that matched the bed covers. Aside from the bed, there was only a nightstand with a lamp. The room was pretty small and plain, but Yuri supposed vampires didn't really need luxury bedrooms, if they didn't sleep.
He suddenly felt tired again, so he closed his eyes to rest until the pizza arrived.
A loud noise woke him up, and he opened his eyes to yet another surprise. The door had been flung open, and Yurio was storming towards him. Yuri was so stunned, he barely noticed Phichit trailing behind him, telling him to calm down. Yuri stared in shock as Yurio stopped at his bed, grabbed the collar of his shirt and got in his face.
"You complete дурак, Yuri!!!" He screamed. "What in Дерьмо do you think you were doing getting bitten by a vampire?!"
Yuri stared for a moment, and, because he couldn't think of anything else he could do, he yelled back defensively.
"It's not like I could help it!!! I didn't even know that vampires existed so how was I supposed to know JJ would grab me?! And what could I have done anyways?"
Yurio seemed to realize he was right, and, grumbling, let go of his shirt. Phichit shoved Yurio to the side.
"Yuri, I am so sorry!!! This is all my fault, JJ never would have targeted you if I hadn't made you sit with us!"
"It's fine!" Yuri said quickly, his brain still trying to process that the majority of his best friends were vampires. "There was no way you could've known JJ would attack me, and I'd still be alone if you hadn't." Phichit relaxed a little at his words.
"So you're not angry?" He asked anxiously. Yuri shook his head.
"Of course he's not, you задница," Yurio grumbled. "It wasn't your fault, it's JJ's. I'm going to kill that-" Phichit clamped a hand over his mouth before he could say any more Russian cusses.
"By the way, the pizza's almost here." He said casually as Yurio shoved him off.
"Ok," Yuri said. "Um... how do you know?" He asked, wondering if vampires had some sort of super pizza sense or something.
"Super speed," Yurio said smugly. Phichit rolled his eyes.
"Pizza tracker," he corrected. Then he grinned. "Though we do have super speed."
Yuri gave a hesitant smile.

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