Chapter 21

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"A witch?" Victor breathed. "But I thought they were all dead!"
"Obviously not," Mickey said. "I don't know what else she could be. As far as I know, the only three sentient races that ever lived on the earth were vampires, humans, and witches."
"In any case, she's probably our best hope of saving Yuri, Guang Hong, and Sara," Victor said.
"Our?" Mickey asked hesitantly.
"If we want to save the people we care about, we'll have to work together," Victor said. "I don't always agree with you, but I'm willing to form a temporary alliance."
Mickey nodded in agreement.
"That works for me. We should leave for the cave immediately."
"Lead the way," Victor said. Mickey sped away into the night, with Victor close behind.
Yuri woke up in a cold dark place. His head was pounding, and his mouth was dry. He tried to sit up, but a wave of dizziness swept over him. He lay in the dark, trying to overcome his nausea. After a moment, he realized his wrists were tied behind his back, and his ankles were bound. His mind was fuzzy, and he tried to think back to what had happened. After a moment, his head cleared, and his memories returned.
"Leo," he muttered. Leo had drugged him. JJ had probably blackmailed the other human into doing it. Hadn't he said something about-
"Guang Hong?" Yuri called. He heard a small noise from the corner behind him. He turned as best he could, and tried again.
"Guang Hong? Is that you?"
"Y-Yuri?" A small voice asked.
"Yes, is that you, Guang Hong?"
"Y-yes," came the reply.
"Are you ok? Did- JJ didn't hurt you, did he?"
Guang Hong let out a small sob. "No, I'm- I'm fine but... I'm so scared. What's going on?! Why did JJ kidnap us?! Is this some sort of prank?"
Yuri tried to think of a way to tell Guang Hong what was going on without scaring him more. Nothing came to his mind.
"Well..." he began, hoping something would keep him from having to answer.
In fact, something did, and it made him immediately take back his wish.
A creaking noise came from slightly above them. A door opened above a set of rickety stairs. A harsh beam of light fell across the room, revealing it to be a basement. The floor was empty, but filthy. The only thing the room held was the two prisoners and their captor.
"Looks like someone finally woke up," a familiar condescending voice sneered.
JJ walked down the steps into the basement, reaching up and pulling a cord that hung from the ceiling.
A single bulb flickered on, causing Yuri and Guang Hong to squint.
"JJ," Yuri said weakly.
"Yuri," the vampire mocked.
"Wh-what's going on?" Guang Hong asked nervously. "Why did you kidnap us? If- If it's some sort of prank then it's not funny!!!" He yelled.
JJ laughed cruelly.
"Well, Yuri?" He simpered. "Why don't you tell the little human what's going on?"
"You- you have what you want now," Yuri said, swallowing, "and Leo did what you asked. So let Guang Hong go; leave him out of this!"
"I can't do that, now can I?" JJ replied, looking at his nails. "He'd go running straight to the police- not that they could do anything of course- and then my little secret would be found out."
"Wh-what are you talking about?" Guang Hong asked, voice quivering. "What secret? And why did you call me human as if-"
Suddenly JJ was no longer at the foot o the steps. He was inches away from Guang Hong's face. The young human's words had died on his lips, and his mouth was agape with terror.
"I'm not?" JJ finished sinisterly.

Yuri on Ice: Vampire AUWhere stories live. Discover now