Chapter 6

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Victor was a vampire. Victor. A vampire.
Yuri couldn't get the thought out of his head. His idol, the cool, suave skater he had looked up to, became friends with, was a vampire.
Did Victor want to drink his blood? It hadn't seemed like it. But then again, he hadn't seemed like a vampire. How could Yuri know if he could trust him?
Right now, he didn't have much of a choice. He was so weak, he wasn't even sure if he could lift his head. Victor was carrying him much like you would a baby. He cradled Yuri in his arms, and all the Japanese skater could do was hope Victor wouldn't harm him.
In a way, it sort of felt nice. Victor's arms wrapped around him, Yuri's head against his chest. Yuri thought he might have enjoyed Victor's touch... if he wasn't so terrified.
He was completely defenseless; and even if he could move, if Victor wanted to take him somewhere, he could. Even at his full strength, Victor was twenty times stronger than Yuri.
Yuri was helpless, and he hated it.
"You've lost a lot of blood," Victor said after they had come to a stop. He lifted his own wrist to his mouth, grimaced, and bit down. He then put it to Yuri's mouth.
"Drink, it'll heal you faster," he told Yuri gently when he recoiled. He held his bleeding wrist to Yuri's mouth until the freshman had swallowed several times.
"Good," Victor murmured softly. "That should help you recover."
Yuri started looking around. They were in front of a medium sized house that Yuri didn't recognize.
"Wh-wh-where-" he tried to ask. He couldn't finish the question, but Victor seemed to understand what he was asking.
"We're at my house. JJ won't be able to get in. You should be safe here."
He then walked to the door with Yuri still in his arms and opened it. Almost instantly, Chris's voice rang through the house.
"Oh, Victor you're back." He was walking towards them. "It took you forever-" he stopped when he saw Yuri, limp in Victor's arms.
"Victor you didn't-"
"No," Victor interrupted quickly. "Not me. JJ."
Is Chris a vampire too? Yuri wondered. He was too tired to really care. He just lay silently and waited for Victor to decide what to do with him.
"Oh god..." Chris whispered. He looked like he was about to faint. Suddenly his eyes flickered red. Yuri's heart leaped to his throat.
"Victor, how are you controlling yourself? It's all I can do to keep myself from... but you're just standing there calmly, with his blood running down your arm..." his eyes flickered again.
"You should probably get him away from me before I lose all control," he advised, looking away from Yuri. "I wouldn't let the others help; they have less self control than I do." Victor nodded, and carried Yuri up a long set of stairs.
Others? Yuri wondered. Just how many vampires are there?
He realized they were now in a small room. Victor set him down gently on the bed. He walked away, going into what looked like a bathroom as Yuri tried to stay conscious.
Victor came back with a damp hand towel. He knelt by the bed and gently turned Yuri's head to the side, exposing his wounded neck. Yuri's pulse quickened, but Victor didn't bite him. He just gently dabbed the wounds. Yuri tried to relax, but he couldn't push down his fear. Victor seemed to know what he was feeling, because he reassured him.
"It's alright, Yuri. You're safe now. Nobody's going to hurt you," he soothed, stroking Yuri's head gently. Yuri felt a little of the tension leave him. He took a deep slow breath, and his heartbeat slowed to a more normal pace.
"That's it," Victor whispered. "Now just rest. You'll heal more quickly. I'll take care of you. Just rest."
With Victor's reassuring words echoing in his mind, Yuri let his eyes close, and he drifted into unconsciousness.

Yuri on Ice: Vampire AUWhere stories live. Discover now