Author's Note

830 23 10

Hi guys!

You may have noticed that I've been changing a few things about this work.
I've removed the old author's notes, mainly because some of the stuff I said in them doesn't really apply any more.
A big thing that's happened is the change in the cover, which I hope everyone likes!

I know I was gone on kind of an unannounced hiatus for a while… again… but I'm back now and planning to finally complete this story!

Another thing I'd like to mention is that since I started writing this fic, my writing style has drastically changed.
There's a large improvement from the beginning chapters to where we currently are.
Because of this, I'm considering revising this story while I'm completing it.
I'm not going to do a full rewrite, since a lot of the more recent chapters I'm pretty happy with, but I may go back and fix some of the older ones.

However, I would like to hear you guys' input on this before I go making any more drastic changes.
I know not everyone who was originally reading this story is still reading, and I'm sure some newer readers are seeing this.

If you would rather I focus on finishing the story before revising the earlier chapters, or if you think it would be better for me to make a new work for the revised version of this story, or any other feedback, please go ahead and leave a comment!

Most of all, thank you all for reading! ❤️

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