Chapter 19

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When the vampires got back to the house, the first thing they saw was the open door. A sick feeling was in all of their stomachs.
"Oh no," Phichit whispered. They ran into the house. To their surprise, Leo was sitting in the floor, sobbing into his lap.
"Leo?" Minami asked incredulously. The human looked up, teary-eyed.
"What are you doing here?" Chris asked him.
"And where's Yuri?!" Yurio yelled, storming across the room to get in his face.
"I didn't have a choice!" Leo defended himself. "JJ... JJ took Guang Hong! He said he would kill him if I didn't do this."
"What did you do?" Phichit asked.
"I..." he started sobbing.
"Breathe," Chris said firmly, "and tell us what happened." After a moment, Leo was able to calm himself enough to speak.
"W-well... Guang Hong wasn't at school today. I texted him about twenty times and... he wasn't responding. So after school I... I went to his house... we live next to each other... and I knocked on the door. He didn't answer, so I tried it, and it was unlocked. His mom is never home, and she wasn't today either. I didn't see her. I didn't see Guang Hong either. I... I went up to his room and... and JJ was sitting on his bed. I didn't even see Emil, but he came behind me and shut the door. JJ said..." his voice broke, and he swallowed before continuing. "He said that he'd taken Guang Hong. I don't know why but... he said that unless I did what he told me to, he'd kill Guang Hong. I had to or... he's my best friend. I don't know what I'd do if he... JJ told me to come to this house. He said that I needed to... to get Yuri to let me inside. He... he gave me a syringe and he said it would knock Yuri out. He said that after I did that, I had to drag Yuri out of the house, and then he'd give Guang Hong back. He said he wouldn't hurt Yuri! I- I never wanted- I had to!"
"We believe you, Leo," Chris said gently. He was angry, but not at Leo. JJ could control the minds of humans. He could have forced either Leo or Guang Hong to do the same thing without kidnapping either of them. There was no need for Guang Hong to have been taken, aside from fun. It sickened Chris.
Yurio was not as good at redirecting his anger. He was about to leap onto Leo, but Chris and Phichit each grabbed an arm to hold him back.
"You-" Phichit covered the blonde's mouth before he could start cussing.
"Yurio!" Chris snapped. He received a withering glare. "If Otabek had been taken, and you had to help kidnap an acquaintance or he would die, would you?" Yurio kept glaring for a moment, but lowered his gaze. Phichit removed his hand.
"You're still a дурак," he grumbled at Leo.
"What are we supposed to do?" Phichit asked, as he and Chris let go of Yurio.
"There's no way JJ's not going to hurt Yuri," Minami said. Leo looked at him, stricken.
"Did you really think he'd tell the truth?" Yurio scoffed. Leo hesitated, then nodded.
"Well he won't," Chris said.
"What is he going to do to Yuri?" Leo asked, horrified. The vampires exchanged looks, wondering if they should tell him. Phichit completely ignored the question.
"Why don't you go back to Guang Hong's house, and see if he's there?" He said. Leo hesitated, feeling like they were hiding something, then nodded. He felt he had caused enough trouble. The vampires watched him run into the night.
"So, what do we do?" Minami restated Phichit's earlier question.
"We have to find JJ and get Yuri back at all costs," Chris said, a determined look on his face.
"What do you think the chances are of JJ actually letting Guang Hong go?" Phichit asked.
"Low," the grim answer came.
Yurio let out another swear. Then he paused.
"Wait..." he said. "Something's not right." The others looked at him. They seemed to understand what he was feeling. Something was off, but what was it? Suddenly it hit them.
"Victor," they all said at once.
"Where did he go?" Yurio asked.

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