Chapter 18

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Yuri was on the verge of saying the words. Come in.
He stopped himself a second before they left his lips.
He trusted Leo, but he had to make sure he hadn't been turned into a vampire by JJ.
He couldn't just leave Leo standing there. He couldn't go outside either, in case it was an elaborate plot to lure him outside. But how could he invite Leo in without inviting him in? He decided to go for the blunt and awkward approach: his specialty.
"Leo, are you able to come inside without me inviting you in?" He asked, internally cringing at the awkwardness.
"What?" Leo asked, a look of bewilderment crossing his face.
"Please just answer," Yuri pleaded.
"Like... am I physically able to come inside?"
"Without an invitation?"
"Of course I can." Leo stepped across the threshold, just to prove it. He gave Yuri a strange look. He still had tears in his eyes, and Yuri remembered the problem.
"Right. Sorry. Please, come in." He stepped aside, and Leo continued walking in.
"Do you know what happened?" He asked urgently. Leo suddenly looked nervous, and he nodded.
"He was kidnapped."
Yuri's mouth went dry.
"Did- did you see who kidnapped him?" He asked, almost afraid of the answer.
"Yes. I'm- I'm sorry Yuri."
Suddenly, Yuri felt really light headed. He looked at Leo, who now had tears streaming down his face, in confusion. He then looked down... and realized there was a needle sticking out of his arm.
"Trick- you tricked..." Yuri slurred. He was beginning to feel like his body was much too heavy.
"I'm sorry!" Leo sobbed. "JJ... he took Guang Hong! He said he would kill him if I- if I didn't- he's my best friend! I'm- I'm so sorry!!!"
JJ had tricked them. He'd tricked them all.
"V-Victor..." Yuri murmured seconds before he passed out. "Help..."
Everything went black.
It was dark when the four vampires sneaked to JJ's temporary residence. As soon as they got there, they could immediately sense the wards- magical barriers once used by witches- all around the house.
"This is insane," Victor whispered softly.
"I've never sensed wards this powerful," Chris said, almost reverently, "and I've been around a long time."
"Just how old is JJ?" Phichit wondered.
Chris looked troubled.
"I don't think anyone knows."
"I've barely even seen normal wards," Victor said. "These are..."
"Overkill," Yurio scoffed.
"With wards this strong, we can't sense anyone inside the building, but they can't sense us either. We'll barely be able to get within 100 yards of it," Phichit agreed.
"How was JJ able to get in?" Victor asked. Yurio and Phichit shrugged.
"My best guess is that he's got some sort of reverse ward to allow him back in?" Chris speculated. "Wards are really rare; they died out with witches almost a century ago. We don't really know much about them."
"JJ does."
Yurio's observation made none of them feel better.
"Well..." Phichit started, changing the subject, "Minami's still exactly where he was before. I guess that means nobody's come out."
"Let's go see if he's seen anything."
Quietly, they made their way over to the porch of a nearby house, which had been abandoned for years. As they neared they could see Minami sitting in one of the decrepit chairs.
"Hey, Minami," Phichit said. "Any news?" Minami shifted in the chair but there came no reply.
"Minami?" A muffled grunt. The four rushed to his side.
"Minami, are you ok?"
Vampires, however strong their senses, do not have night vision. They cannot see when it is pitch dark, like it was then.
Victor pulled out his phone, and turned on the flashlight. They all gasped at the sight of a bound and gagged Minami.
"God, Minami!" Chris gasped. He took the gag out of his mouth. Minami coughed weakly.
"Don't touch the ropes," he warned Yurio, who was about to try to untie him.
"Why?" Yurio snapped, setting his hand on the ropes. He immediately winced, yanking his hand away.
"дерьмо!" He cursed, shaking his stung hand.
"I think there's some sort of ward on the ropes? The only reason they're not burning me is because of my clothes," Minami explained, voice rough.
"What happened?" Victor asked urgently.
"Victor knew I was here. He, Emil, and Seung Gil jumped me. I thought they were going to kill me, but they just left me here."
"Why would they do that?" Phichit wondered.
Chris didn't answer, but dug in his pocket. He pulled out a switchblade.
"Anyone got a glove?" He asked. Silence. Chris shrugged, and tore a strip of cloth of of his shirt, wrapping the hand that wasn't holding the knife. He quickly sliced through the ropes.
"Thanks," Minami breathed, relieved.
A sudden realization struck Victor.
"JJ wanted us to come here," he said. "He let himself be seen, and lured all of us over here." The others stared at him.
"Yuri," Phichit said, understanding.
"He's there without any protection-"
"Otabek is there-" Yurio began hotly.
"And is in no shape to do any protecting," Chris interrupted. Yurio huffed, crossing his arms, and allowed Victor to continue.
"And we have no idea whether JJ and his gang have gone there or not!"
"Calm down," Chris soothed. "Unless Yuri invites them in, there's nothing they can do."
"I still can't help feeling like this was a plot to get to Yuri," Victor worried.
"Well, let's go check then!" Yurio said.
Chris and Phichit helped Minami to his feet. Chris zoomed off first, quickly followed by Phichit, who was supporting Minami. Yurio super-sped after them, and Victor brought up the rear.
None of them noticed another figure follow them.

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