Chapter 30

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After JJ's statement, the roof was silent save for the quiet sounds of Guang Hong's muffled crying. It was all Yuri could do not to break down crying himself.
The girl- Sara, Emile had called her- was disturbingly still, and Yuri was terrified that she would never move again. Yuri couldn't tear his eyes from her unmoving body.
Guang Hong's sobbing faded into silence, and Yuri felt a horrible twinge of guilt. Was all of this... his fault? He was the only one JJ wanted. If he had just died when JJ first attacked him, would this be happening now? Guang Hong never would have been taken. Would this girl, Sara, have been spared as well?
He felt someone's gaze on him and he glanced up nervously. His heart jumped as he locked eyes with Emile.
But there was something in the vampires eyes that resonated with him. There was a familiar pain, fear, even guilt. Yuri saw the slight tremble in Emile's hands and after a moment of hesitation, he offered a shaky smile before glancing away.
Maybe the humans weren't the only ones suffering because of JJ. It didn't mean Emile was excused for the things he'd done, but Yuri felt a small twinge of hope. Maybe they had more allies than they thought.
Before the thought could settle in, there was a rumbling noise. Suddenly, the roof below his feet began to shake, and he fell to the ground, trying to find something to hold on to.
He crawled backwards, bumping into Guang Hong. Out of the corner of his eye, Yuri saw Emile crouch and pick Sara up. JJ glanced at all of them, but paid them no mind. The oldest vampire was easily keeping his balance, looking like he didn't even notice the movement.
Suddenly, the shaking stopped as if it had never happened to begin with.
Everything was horribly silent for a few seconds.
Then there was a noise like a balloon popping, and all four vampires let out a shriek of agony.
Georgi crumpled to the ground, twitching horribly. Emile and Seung Gil both fell to their knees. There were tears in the corner of Emile's eyes. JJ stumbled, but managed to stay on his feet.
Yuri didn't know what was happening, but he knew that this might be their only chance to act. He grabbed Guang Hong's wrist, pulling the other boy to his feet, and began to run towards the stairs. His heart nearly stopped when Emile met his eyes again.
Through his pain, the vampire looked conflicted. Yuri was terrified he was about to rat them out. The vampire stared at them for a moment before giving a short nod. He looked away again, and Yuri felt a flood of relief. He and Guang Hong tumbled through the door to the stairs.
Silently, they sprinted down, stumbling occasionally. They were both too scared to speak, terrified that someone might notice their absence.
Yuri was more scared for Guang Hong than himself. Although he was terrified of being found, he was more worried about what might happen to Guang Hong if they were. JJ had made it clear he considered the other boy expendable. If they were caught running... Yuri didn't know if JJ would let him live.


As soon as the spell snapped into place, Mila tumbled to the ground. She caught herself on her hands, scraping them a little. Both Victor and Mickey rushed to her side, but she held up a hand to stop them. She coughed up a tiny bit of blood and slowly pushed herself to her feet.
"Mila, are you ok?" Victor asked worriedly. The witch felt a twinge of exasperation. Although she didn't hate these two fledglings, having beings that were supposed to be her enemies fuss over her was a bit disconcerting. To Mila, it was downright irritating.
"I'm fine," she said emphatically. "I'm crafting spells directly from memory with no aide whatsoever. It's going to take a toll on me no matter what."
"What did you do?" Mickey asked in a hushed voice as they absorbed the implications of her statement.
"I created a ward around them," she said with dry humor. "A vampire-repelling ward. Any vampires trapped in that area will experience intense pain," she explained. "It won't kill them, unfortunately- well, it might kill a fledgling if there were any up there- but it should incapacitate them a bit. I can't keep it up forever though. And as soon as it falls, I'm willing to bet we'll have company."

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