Chapter 35

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"You brat!" Sara shouted, slapping Mickey upside the head. The fledgling let go and stared at her in shock. Victor let out a shocked laugh and Sara shot a glare at him. Victor shrugged sheepishly, and Sara turned back to yell at her brother.
"Where have you been? I was kidnapped! I told you, I told you, hanging around JJ's crowd was no good! They kidnapped me! They- k-"
Her voice broke, and she stopped. A tear trickled down her face and Mickey pulled her into a hug again. Tears ran down both their faces, and Victor turned away, feeling like he was intruding.
"I thought I was going to die," Sara said quietly. Victor was trying not to listen but it was impossible not to hear her words with his enhanced hearing.
"He was choking me and he kept s-squeezing and he said..." she trailed off, letting out a sob.
"I know, I know what he said, I won't let him," Mickey whispered, voice hitching.
There was a moment of silence as the two siblings tried to offer each other comfort.
Victor heard the snap of a twig and his eyes narrowed. He scanned his surroundings but couldn't sense anyone. He remembered that Mila had said Georgi was around. He should sense the other fledgling if he got too close, but... Victor decided to stay on guard, just in case.
"How the hell did I get down here, anyways?" Sara sniffled into Mickey's coat. Mickey and Victor exchanged helpless glances. Neither of them knew what exactly Mila had done, and they weren't sure how to explain.
"One second I was up on the roof, and Emile and Seung Gil were fighting- well I think they were," Sara rambled, "I must have still been woozy because I couldn't really see what was going on, it just looked like blurry-"
"Wait a minute," Victor interrupted. Both the siblings looked at him curiously. "Did you say Emile and Seung Gil were fighting?"
Mickey's eyes widened like he hadn't caught that piece of information before.
Sara nodded, looking curiously between them.
"Why?" Mickey asked, bewildered.
"I- JJ told them to kill me," she said, subdued. "Seung Gil was... he was going to do it, I think, but Emile wouldn't let him. I don't think he wanted me to get hurt. I know it doesn't excuse him helping to kidnap me, but... he didn't want to hurt me," Sara said.
"And JJ let them?" Mickey asked, still confused. "I know he's gone off the deep end, but he usually hates when we fight. Was that just an act too?"
Sara shook her head. She started trembling, and one hand drifted to her throat.
"I-" her voice broke and she had to start again. Mickey wrapped an arm around her. "I think he would have killed me himself if he were there. But he went after the other two boys- I, uh, don't know their names."
"Went after them? They got away? How?" Victor asked urgently.
Sara shrugged helplessly. "I was knocked out for a while, so I didn't see how it happened."
Victor and Mickey exchanged a glance.
"During the ward?" Victor muttered, and Mickey nodded.
"Must have been," he replied. Sara glanced between them.
"What are you talking about?" She asked warily.
The two fledglings looked at each other, panicked. Sara pushed her brother away, angrily glaring at both of them.
"I was kidnapped, nearly killed, and somehow ended up magically appearing off a rooftop! I have had a really bad day, and I'd appreciate it if you would stop speaking in code or nonsense or whatever the hell this is!"
"S-Sara, I..." Mickey started. There was another crunch, and both fledglings turned. Sara gasped, and Mickey shoved her behind him. The two fledglings dropped into a fighting stance.
"G-Georgi?" Mickey said, sounding shocked. Victor didn't know why he was so surprised- Mila had warned them after all- but then he got a closer look.
"Seung Gil told me to wait. He said not to attack you by myself but if they're fighting, I don't know if he will come back."
"Georgi, you don't have-" Mickey started.
"Like I'd listen to a traitor!" Georgi cut him off, glaring. "Even if I wanted to let you go, I couldn't. JJ would kill me, and... I think that might be literal now." For just a moment, there was something fragile in his eyes. A remainder of the teenager who might have been a bit bitter, but wouldn't hurt anyone. But that Georgi was gone. His eyes hardened.
"With the witch gone, I would have stood a chance. Then... this happened. I think it was because of that... spell the witch used. Earlier today I might have lost. But now? I think I can tear you both apart easily."
Georgi was no longer that teenage boy. He was no longer a fledgling. The Georgi in front of them was a bloodthirsty, full-grown vampire.

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