Chapter 23

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"Stop! Leave him alone!" Yuri sat up as best he could with his bindings, fighting the dizziness and pounding in his head. JJ turned toward him, a smirk on his face.
"And why should I?" He challenged.
"It's not him you want... it's me." Yuri clenched his jaw, trying to keep his lip from quivering.
"You're absolutely right," the vampire responded, his features melting once again into the demon-like mask. Guang Hong let out a small squeak. JJ lashed out as quickly as a bolt of lightning. He hit Guang Hong on the top of his head, and the human collapsed like a rag doll. JJ slowly walked towards Yuri, who was fighting the tears forming in his eyes.
The vampire took his sweet time, savoring his prey's fear like it was a delicacy. When he reached the young human, he reached down, and lifted him by his shirt collar until his feet were no longer touching the ground. Yuri leaned away from him as best he could, but there was no escape. JJ sniffed Yuri's neck slowly, sending shivers of terror down Yuri's spine. Finally, the vampire found the spot he wanted to drink from. His mouth hovered over the vein, and his teeth grazed Yuri's neck. JJ was prolonging the torture on purpose, toying with Yuri like a cat might with a mouse.
After another minute or so, he could wait no more to drink, and sunk his fangs into Yuri's soft neck. Yuri let out a small cry at the sharp pain, the tears falling from his eyes. JJ removed his fangs, Yuri's blood dripping down his face. He dropped the human to the ground, and pounced on him, pinning him to the ground, and reburying his fangs.
After what seemed like an eternity to Yuri, when his consciousness was just beginning to slip away, JJ withdrew with some difficulty. He began to lick the human's blood off his fingers and face, savoring every last drop.
When a few minutes had passed, his face faded back into the human appearance. He combed his now tangled hair with his fingers, and spoke to Yuri.
"Do you know why I crave your blood?" He asked. The human, drained of blood and energy, didn't answer.
"It's not just because it tastes so good. You see, you are possibly the last carrier of the Old Blood."
Silence. His lack of audience interaction didn't stop JJ.
"I am one of the last true born vampires. My great grandfather would tell me stories of the times of old, when vampires thrived, and a single human might sustain one vampire for months. The vampire population, of course, increased rapidly. They became spoiled, and drank more than was needed. Much like humans gorge themselves on food they couldn't possibly need, the vampires gorged themselves on blood. A few humans existed with a special defect that made their blood less appetizing, and less nutritious for vampires. These humans of lesser blood were ignored. Many years passed. The vampire population was ever increasing. Those with the good blood, the Old Blood, would be drained. Most would die, and a few would turn into vampires. Those without the genes for pure Old Blood would survive, and procreate, creating more humans without the Old Blood. After a long enough stretch of time, extinction can happen to any creature. Those with Old Blood became increasingly rare, and meals got harder and harder to come by. The world was now mainly made up of starving vampires, and the poor blooded humans. The rest of the Old Bloods were quickly finished off, and the  majority of the vampire population died off. There are more vampires then there were for a long time, but nobody is as strong as the vampires of old. They were stronger, faster, more powerful than any vampire alive today. And the reason why? Because they drank Old Blood. You are the first person to have Old Blood in centuries. And as one of the last born vampires, it is only right that your blood belong to me."

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