Chapter 8

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"Are you feeling better now, Yuri?" Victor asked, handing him a paper plate with a slice of pizza on it.
"Yeah, I am," Yuri said, accepting the plate. "And thank you."
"For what?" Victor tilted his head to the side. "The pizza?"
"For saving my life," Yuri started, "for bringing me to your house, for cleaning me up and bandaging me, for letting me sleep in your bed, for taking care of me, and yes, for the pizza."
Victor looked a little stunned.
"Oh," he said weakly. "You're welcome." He gestured to the plate in Yuri's hand. "Now eat your pizza," he said, grinning. Yuri smiled shyly, and picked up the greasy slice.
Yurio and Phichit watched enviously as he ate the pizza. It made Yuri feel very uncomfortable, but he said nothing. Victor saw the awkward expression on his face and noticed the two other vampires watching him.
"Hey, you're making him feel uncomfortable!" He accused them.
"We can't help it!" Yurio moaned. "It's been years since I last had pizza. Not as good as piroshki, but it makes me so jealous!"
"I don't understand," Yuri started hesitantly. The three vampires looked at him curiously. "I mean... can you not... eat any food at all?"
"Well, we technically could, but it's really bad for us," Phichit explained. "Our metabolisms can't really process it, and we usually just end up with food poisoning."
"Oh, ok." Yuri suddenly felt really bad for eating the pizza in front of them. "I can eat this later if-"
"No!" Phichit interrupted. "Just ignore us. You need to eat; you've probably got hypoglycemia or something."
"Hypoglycemia?" Yurio asked.
"It's my new favorite word. I think it means not enough blood sugar."
"If- if you're sure I'm not being rude or anything by-" Yuri began again.
"Just eat the flipping pizza," Yurio snapped. Yuri ate the flipping pizza.
Before he had finished, Chris stuck his head in, making Yuri jump.
"Hello," he said.
"Hello, Chris!" Victor said, beckoning for him to come into the room.
"How are you feeling, Yuri?" Chris asked.
"A lot better," Yuri said shyly.
"I'm glad. Sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable earlier," he apologized.
"No, that's fine!" Yuri said quickly.
"As long as you're not mad at me."
"Not at all! In fact, I'm really grateful to all of you for being so kind to me, even though you have no obligation to be."
"Of course we're obligated to help you," Phichit told him. "We're you're friends! We couldn't let a friend die for crying out loud." For some reason this made Yuri start laughing. The vampires stared at him.
"Sorry," he said sheepishly. "I just thought of how ridiculous I am. Here I am, barely able to move after nearly being killed by a vampire, surrounded by vampires who could kill me with no problem if they really wanted to, and my anxiety had me worried about whether we were still friends." He laughed again, a little hysterically.
"Stupid," Yurio griped. "Of course we're still friends. Don't be a идиот."
"Thanks Yurio," Yuri said. He took a deep breath, regaining control.
"Hey, what's going on up here?" They all turned as someone else stuck his head in the room. Yuri gaped as he recognized Minami. The tiny freshman stared at Yuri.
"What happened?" He asked. "Why didn't you guys tell me? I miss everything!" He complained.
"Well, you were watching Netflix, and we didn't want to disturb you," Victor replied.
"Ok, whatever, but what happened?" He pressed.
"JJ attacked him and nearly killed him. Victor brought him here, and we're nursing him back to health," Phichit said, bouncing on the balls of his feet.
"JJ got him?!" Minami gasped. "I thought he promised not to touch him!"
"Apparently he decided to break his promise, and then lost all control," Victor put in.
"Wait, I have a quick question," Yuri said once he had overcome the shock. All five turned towards him. "Is every single person I know at this place a vampire?!"

Yuri on Ice: Vampire AUWhere stories live. Discover now