Chapter 25

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Yuri felt a hand on his shoulder. He slowly opened his eyes. Kneeling above him was Guang Hong, a concerned look on his face.
"Are you ok?" The other human asked.
"Ye-" Yuri began, breaking off into a series of dry coughs. He struggled to sit up.
"I'm fine," he managed once the coughing had subsided. He scooted backwards toward the wall, leaning against the hard surface.
"When did you wake up?" Yuri asked Guang Hong. The other human's expression was hard to read in the dark.
"Be-before JJ left," he answered softly.
"I was so scared... after he left, you didn't wake up at first. I thought you were..."
Yuri unconsciously reached up to his neck. It was still sticky with his blood.
"Yuri...?" Guang Hong asked tentatively. "What's going on? JJ... is he a..." he couldn't complete the sentence.
"Vampire," Yuri finished for him.
"Why are we here?" Guang Hong asked, voice trembling.
"He... he's been after me for a while now. Since I disappeared from school."
"Is that why you left?"
"Yeah. I was staying with," he hesitated a moment, unsure if he should share that he was with vampires. "Friends."
"Oh. Was he targeting me too?" His voice rose slightly in pitch. "D-does that mean he'll..." Guang Hong swallowed, a hand moving to his throat subconsciously. Yuri didn't know what to say. He honestly didn't know if JJ would drink Guang Hong's blood.
"I don't think so..." he answered, trying to sound confident. "I think he just wanted you so he could force Leo to help him."
"Leo?" Guang Hong asked incredulously. "He's not a part of this too, is he?"
Yuri told him the whole story of how he'd been captured. Guang Hong seemed to grow sadder by the moment.
"I'm sure he only did it because he thought you would get hurt if he didn't," he finished awkwardly.
"Yuri do..." he had difficulty forming the question. "Do you think JJ will hurt Leo too?"
"I-" Yuri hesitated. "I don't think Leo will be in danger. JJ has what he wants."
They sat in miserable silence for a time.
Yuri tried not to think about his family. He hadn't seen them since he found out about the vampire world. Was Chris still using mind control on them so they wouldn't realize he was missing? If he died, would they ever find it the reason? What about his friends? Were they looking for him? Had they realized he was missing yet? How long had he even been gone?
What about Victor? Yuri tried to push this specific question out of his mind. Victor was his skating idol. And then he became his friend and rescuer.
Yuri had just been starting to feel something beyond simple admiration for the fledgling. He was developing a serious crush! But right when he began to get really close to Victor, he was ripped away, probably never to return.
Exhausted, holding back tears of despair, he leaned back against the unforgiving wall, closed his eyes, and drifted off into a fitful sleep.
She had tried every thing she could think of. The door was locked, and seemed to be invincible. She'd hurled the one chair in the room at it over and over to no avail. Finally the chair had broken. There was no window, and try as she might, she couldn't quite reach the tiny vent in the ceiling. Finally she had just collapsed on the bed. She hated being trapped like this. It hadn't been very long, but she was starting to get hungry. Would her captors feed her, or would she be left to starve.
Suddenly, she heard a knock on the door. Her adrenaline began racing. She didn't answer, but she stood, and grabbed the remains of the chair. It would be a poor weapon, but it might distract her captor long enough for her to make a run for it.
The door opened, and she almost dropped her chair. A familiar face smiled at her cheerfully. After a moment, shock turned into seething anger.
"Emile..." she hissed, gripping her chair tighter.
"Sara," Emile replied in a light tone.
With a yell, Sara ran at him.

Yuri on Ice: Vampire AUWhere stories live. Discover now