Chapter 2

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It seemed like forever until lunch. After English came history, then math, then science and then finally they headed to the cafeteria to eat. Yuri, Phichit, and Yurio got in the line to get their linch trays. The food was lasagna and the sides were green beans and garlic bread. Surprisingly, for cafeteria food, it didn't look half bad. After the three had gotten their trays, Phichit walked to a table. There were already people sitting at it, and they ranged from one kid who looked like he should still be in junior high to some guys who were without a doubt seniors.
Yuri wondered for a moment if the table would actually let them sit there, but then one of the older guys waved.
"Hey, Yurio!" He yelled.
"Otabek!" Yurio shouted back. And for once, Yurio didn't look angry. Phichit saw Yuri's confused look and he tried to explain.
"We all know each other from figure skating. We're friends even though we're in different grades."
Excitement coursed through Yuri.
"You guys figure skate?" He asked.
"Yeah, it's really fun! Have you ever figure skated?" He asked Yuri, who laughed.
"Actually... well, I was a star figure skater at the school I transferred from. Until I flubbed a huge competition but... I love figure skating!"
"Oh, you'll fit right into our group," Phichit said happily. They sat at the table, and Yuri was introduced to everyone.
The kid who looked like he was 11 was Minami. He was actually 14, and a freshman like Yuri, Phichit, and Yurio. When Yuri asked why he hadn't been in any of their classes, it was explained to him that Minami was a very advanced student. He was only in a few of the actual freshmen's classes, and had already been offered a scholarship.
Guang Hong and Leo were the sophomores at the table. They seemed nice, but mostly kept to themselves.
Otabek was a junior and he seemed pretty nice. He was pretty much the only one Yurio didn't regularly insult. Yuri suspected the Russian kid had a crush.
Seung Gil and Michele (who went by Mickey) were a bit aloof. They and the seniors J.J., Georgi, and Emil seemed to have a different group. They weren't openly hostile towards Yuri and the other skaters, but they didn't seem to like them either. The only friendly senior was Chris. He was pretty friendly, and Yuri liked him. He felt a little uncomfortable talking to someone so much older than him though. Just when he thought he'd met everybody, Phichit announced the absence of someone.
"Hey, where's Victor?" He asked Chris. Yuri jumped a little at the name Victor. It was the name of his skating idol and the name of his poodle.
"Oh he's talking to a teacher. You know trying to work his schedule around his competitions."
"Are there a lot of skating competitions?" Yuri asked. He was hoping he could get a little bit of a competitive season in. He wanted to go pro after all.
"Oh, no," Phichit answered. "At least, not for us normal folk."
"Then why-"
"Sorry I'm late!" He heard a voice say behind him. A chill went down his back. He knew that voice. But it couldn't be!
"Ooh! New student?"
"Yeah! And get this, Victor he figure skates too! And I think he's pretty good. He was a star at his old school," Phichit answered. Victor slid down into a seat- right beside Yuri! Yuri still hadn't looked to see if it really was him- if he now went to the same school as Victor Nikiforov. But he had to know. So he turned.
And his heart skipped a beat. It was really him!!! It was Victor freaking Nikiforov!!!!!

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