Chapter 11

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Everyone was instantly on high alert.
"It may just be a delivery man," Chris said calmingly. Then they heard JJ's voice.
"Hey, Chris I know you're in there!" They all exchanged wary glances.
"Or not. Let me handle this. Yuri, try to stay out of sight; we don't want him angry." Yuri nodded. Chris stood up, and walked towards the door, looking back at the others with a wary expression. He then took a deep breath, plastered a fake grin on his face, and opened the door.
"JJ!" He said, stepping out of the house deliberately, and closing the door behind him. No more than five seconds later, the door opened, and Chris dashed in, slamming it shut behind him.
"He's angry," Chris gasped. Yurio stood up, and stormed to the door. He opened it, and shouted in JJ's face: "Go away!"
"I know you've got Yuri in there somewhere!" JJ yelled. "Yuri, can you hear me? I'm coming for you!" Yurio stepped backwards.
"What's wrong with his face?" He asked Chris, who shrugged. Yuri and the others moved to get a better look. As soon as JJ saw Yuri, he roared in fury, attempting to cross the threshold but failing.
"Let- me- in!" He yelled.
"Not a chance, Лицо дерьма!!!" Yurio screamed back.
JJ's eyes were glowing a sick, blood-red color. All around them, his skin was a sickly grey color. His fangs were out, and his lips were black. He looked like a demon. After a minute, he seemed to realize he wasn't getting in. He calmed down and started talking directly to Yuri.
"I've come to my senses a little," he sneered condescendingly. "If I drank you completely dry, that would be it, and I would never have your blood again. Instead," he said sinisterly, "I'm going to take you to my house. I won't kill you. I'll feed off you, and take just enough of your blood to keep me from going crazy with desire. And then I'll wait until you've recovered. And then I'll feed again and again until I'm satisfied."
Yuri realized he was trembling, and attempted to calm himself. Victor stepped forward, his eyes glowing. He stepped in front of Yuri, and glared at JJ.
"You are not taking Yuri," he snarled. "You will never get you hands on him, and will never taste his blood again. You don't deserve to even look at him, you filthy animal!" He clenched his fist, hand shaking.
"And what do you think you're going to do about it, fledgling," JJ mocked with contempt in his voice.
"I will protect him whatever the cost," Victor vowed. "You will get Yuri over my dead body!!!" He shouted.
"If that's what it takes," JJ seethed, "then so be it." Victor stormed to the door and slammed it in his face.
"Well, if it wasn't war before, it is now," Otabek said seriously. Victor, eyes no longer glowing, walked to Yuri, and wrapped his arms around the still trembling freshman.
The sounds of the others speculating what would happen next faded into the background. Yuri buried his head in the older boys shoulder, and tears flowed down his face.
"I promise, Yuri, I won't let JJ take you," Victor whispered in his ear. "I swear, I'll protect you." He stroked Yuri's dark hair, and let him sob into his shoulder.
"I'm so scared, Victor," Yuri whispered. "I've never been in danger like this. I'm just a normal guy. Why is this happening to me?"
Victor had no answers for Yuri. He just held the vulnerable human, and swore to himself that JJ would pay for hurting him.

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