Chapter 5

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Yuri lurched backwards from the vampire as quickly as he could, losing his balance, and landing on his butt.
"Oh, you're so terrified." JJ laughed. He was right. Yuri's heart was in his throat.
"Don't be. I'm not going to kill you. I'm just going to get a quick snack, then erase all your memories of this. You won't remember a thing," he promised.
"I've already fed off of most of the humans in this school. None remember, and they're all none the worse for it."
Yuri started slowly scooting away. He was wracking his brain, trying desperately to come up with an escape plan. Nothing came to mind.
"I don't normally feed so soon after meeting someone but... I just couldn't wait much longer. With the scent you're giving off, I'm surprised one of the others hasn't sucked you dry long ago. They have no self control."
Yuri had reached the edge of the roof. He stopped retreating, and JJ started advancing.
"But I do. I can't remember the last human I killed in a bloodthirsty rage. So there's no need to worry. You're quite safe." He had reached Yuri, and picked him up by his shirt.
"Now enough chat, no point in toying with you." Yuri made a last ditch effort to escape, wriggling and squirming like crazy, but JJ just turned him around, holding him in a constricting grip from behind. With one hand, he grabbed Yuri's hair, tilting his neck sideways in order to have better access of the veins.
His tongue glided over Yuri's neck, searching for the largest vein. He stopped over the spot where Yuri's pounding heart was most noticeable.
There was a terrible pause, and then a sharp pain in Yuri's neck. He cried out, but JJ latched on, drinking from Yuri's neck like it was a water fountain. After a few torturous seconds, JJ pulled away.
"This... blood..." he managed to growl. He sounded like he had completely lost his reason, and Yuri let out a small whimper.
"I need more. More. Can't stop..." and he bit in a second time. Yuri cried out several times, and tried to fight, kicking and squirming and punching. After a while, he began to feel very weak. His cries turned into whimpers, and he could only muster enough energy to try and pull away.
"M-more..." JJ gasped, completely consumed with blood lust. "I need it all!" Another few seconds later, Yuri let himself go limp. He couldn't fight anymore, and tears streamed from his face as he realized that he was going to die. Then the pain stopped.
Am I dead? He wondered. I can't feel JJ's fangs in me anymore. But I still feel so weak. He then realized he could hear voices.
"Stop it JJ! You're consumed with blood lust!" He heard a very familiar voice say. He couldn't place it though, his head was too foggy.
"I need his blood. You don't understand, fledgling, I've never tasted blood like that. I need it, I need it so badly. I'll go insane if I don't take it. It's intoxicating... I will have it... you can't have it!"
"JJ please!" The voice begged. "You'll kill him! He's just a freshman, he just turned fourteen! You can't-"
"Don't tell me what I can't do, Victor!" The voice snapped.
Victor? Yuri thought. So he's a vampire too?
"If you're trying to claim him for yourself, and you think you can keep from killing him, then you're delusional," JJ sneered.
"Right now, all I want is to get him away from you. He's dying, JJ! How will you feel when you wake up in the morning in your right mind and realize you killed an innocent teenager?" Victor argued.
"You can't beat me in a battle, fledgling. Your powers are barely developed. You're not going to be able to fight me for him-" Victor cut off the crazed vampire.
"I don't need to."
Then in the space of time it took for Yuri to blink, Victor scooped his limp figure from the roof, jumped off, and sped into the night, ignoring JJ's curses behind him, and oaths that he'd get Yuri's blood no matter the cost.

Yuri on Ice: Vampire AUWhere stories live. Discover now