Chapter 15

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A/N: wow, I managed 2 chapters this week! I deserve a reward. I'm going to go eat a cookie now. Please enjoy this chapter!!! ❤️❤️❤️ -Kat.

Yuri thought, though he kept this to himself, that if vampires weren't such quick healers, Otabek would've died for sure. Even with his powers, he was in really bad shape. Minami's leg had healed within a couple of days, and he was up and walking, though he still had a heavy limp. Otabek however was in one of the spare bedrooms. He had used up almost all of the blood stored in the fridge, but it had saved his life. Yuri hardly saw Yurio anymore, as he left Otabek's side maybe once the entire time.
The others were working tirelessly to track down JJ. Yuri had never been one to want revenge, but even he agreed that the rogue vampire needed to pay for the horrors he had brought the group.
It had now been three and a half weeks since Yuri's introduction into the world of vampires. Every couple of days, Chris had to go and... well, basically brainwash his parents. Yuri didn't like it, but it was the only way he could keep staying with the vampires.
Yuri was once again feeling useless. He wanted to help take care of Otabek, as it was something he could actually do, but Yurio wouldn't let anyone else near his 'friend'. (Yuri wished they would just come out already. It wasn't like they were fooling anyone.)
He had asked Victor if there was anything he could do to help, but Victor didn't seem sure. He promised Yuri he would find some way for him to help, but that had been two days ago. All he could do was wait.
"Hey, Yuri," he heard Victor say Wednesday afternoon.
"Yes?" Yuri responded.
"I think I found some way you can help!"
Yuri stood from his seat on the couch, and walked to the kitchen. Victor was standing at the table, a collection of maps, and paper strewn across it.
"We need someone to be responsible for organizing, sorting, and examining all the information we've gathered. We also need someone who can piece together the data, and come up with ideas. Sort of like a detective." He smiled at Yuri, and pointed at him.
"You are the most qualified for this job. I'd like to officially ask you to become the detective of our group."
Yuri began to grin. "We have a group?" He asked.
"Oh yes. The TTTDTEVNJJT!" He received a blank stare, so he explained. "The Time To Take Down The Evil Vampire Named JJ Team!" He said, like it was obvious.
"Um... I'm not so sure about the name," Yuri laughed.
"We may have to shorten it," Victor conceded. "The point is, we're a team, all of us. And you're a part of that team. This is the official request though. Yuri," he extended his hand, eyes shining, "will you work with me... and the others... to help bring JJ to justice?"
Yuri took his hand.
"How could I say no?"
In a house not too far away, a vampire sat at a kitchen table. This was not his house; he had hypnotized the humans inside after they'd invited him in, and they found reason for him to stay as long as he wanted. He had fed on the young couple who lived here, but they just didn't satisfy him.
JJ needed Yuri's blood for that.
His eyes burned a terrible red, and he gripped the table so hard his fingers dug into the wood. Fangs out, he snarled. He imagined taking the pathetic little human named Yuri, and sinking his fangs into his neck. He remembered the taste of his blood. He needed more, and would get it at any cost.
He knew who Yuri was, even if the freshman didn't realize it himself. His great-grandfather (for JJ was a born vampire and not a turned one) had told him stories of the humans of the old times, the ones before vampires became common. When he had first been told the story, JJ hadn't understood how the blood of humans could be so much better back then ran now.
Trying to calm himself, and take his mind off of the blood he so desperately craved, JJ thought back years, decades even to when his great-grandpa had revealed the secrets of the past.

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