Chapter 10

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After another dose of Victor's blood, and a long nap, Yuri could walk again. He asked if there was anything he could do to help, but the vampires told him as kindly as possible that he would only get in the way. Except for Yurio.
"No, idiot," he had grumbled, "you'll just make things harder and get yourself hurt." So Yuri had started wandering the house.
He wasn't able to leave the house, because JJ was still after him. JJ wasn't able to enter their house, because he hadn't been invited. Yuri was a little surprised to hear that that myth was true, and the 'burns in sunlight' one wasn't, but he took it in stride. They had considered making a run to Yuri's house, where he would also be safe, but when Minami had seen some of the other group of vampires hanging around, they abandoned the idea, guessing Yuri would be ambushed the second he left the house.
They had managed to convince Yuri's parents to let him stay for the weekend, even though they had freaked out when he hadn't come home on Friday night, but weren't sure what they would do once the week began again. Chris had told Yuri a little apologetically that they may have to use their vampirey mind control thing so he could stay.
Yuri was a little annoyed that he was so useless. He hated the fact that he was under house arrest, but accepted that it was necessary for his safety. He had been given the room he had been sleeping in, and told it was his for however long he stayed, and for any time he came to visit after this whole mess had blown over. Yuri thought it was quite optimistic of them to assume this would be solved so easily.
Monday came, and Chris took care of his parents. They now had no problem with him staying at his friends house for up to a month. They had told the school that Yuri had come down with an intense bout of the flu, and wouldn't be able to attend classes for several weeks.
Otabek had moved in early, and Yuri's suspicions that Yurio had a crush on him grew tenfold. The blonde vampire actually smiled when Otabek was around, and despite the fact that they were now at war, he seemed in an incredibly good mood. For Yurio, at least.
Yuri was pretty bored. All the vampires were doing something productive, like contacting allies, or protecting humans, or scouting the enemy. All he could do was sit around, watch, and be a burden. The only thing that made him feel better was when Victor hung out with him.
"I'm definitely the weakest of the group," he confided to Yuri. "Even though I've been a fledgling longer than Otabek, his physical strength is greater than mine. In a fair fight, pretty much the only other vampire or fledgling I'd be able to beat would be Michele, and even then it would be a close call. And I don't really know any of the contacts the others do. Pretty much the only thing I can do to help is scout, and it doesn't feel like it's very helpful. Even if we know where JJ's group is, they won't be there long."
"At least you're doing something," Yuri said listlessly. "I feel like all I'm doing is just being a problem."
Victor smiled, and responded: "You're not a problem. You're our sunshine through this. Even if you can't actively do anything, your presence is raising our morale."
"You're just saying that," Yuri said, though Victor's words brought a smile to his face.
"I'm really not," Victor replied earnestly. "Just seeing you instantly brightens my day."
Yuri blushed.
On top of how he could always cheer Yuri up, Victor was the only one who didn't seem bothered by Yuri's many questions. Yurio was always annoyed, and would snap at him. Chris and Phichit were nice, but a little patronizing. Minami would never be able to answer the question; he would get distracted and go on a rabbit trail. Otabek always seemed preoccupied. But Victor was patient, and willing to answer. He seemed to understand how confused Yuri felt by the mess he was in. Yuri could talk to him without feeling awkward.
And to Victor, Yuri was a break from the strange world that was his life. He was so innocent, curious, and oh-so-cute. They started talking a lot, and became fairly close.
Yuri found that his heart would skip a beat from excitement whenever he saw Victor. After a while, he realized he had developed a small (not small) crush on the silver haired vampire.
After a week of nothing, Yuri started to wonder if a war was really going to break out. The other vampires seemed a little less tense, although Chris warned everyone not to get lulled into a false sense of security.
It was Sunday morning, and they were all pretty relaxed. They ate breakfast, (Yuri had toast. The vampires had blood bags that had been donated a while ago.) and chatted amiably among themselves.
Then, suddenly, there came a knock at the door.

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