Chapter 20

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Victor had never run so fast. He was back at JJ's domain within a minute. He arrived, and stood for a moment, breathing heavily. His whole body shook with anger and adrenaline. Just as he was about to race up to the door, and demand Yuri back, someone tackled him from behind. Just as he was about to yell, they clamped a hand over his mouth.
"Don't; you'll get both of us killed," a familiar voice hissed in his ear. Victor shoved them away.
"Mickey?" He asked quietly, squinting in the dark. He saw the other fledgling's head bob in confirmation.
"If JJ finds out we're here, we're both dead," he whispered.
"What are you doing?" Victor questioned, lowering his voice even more. As his eyes adjusted, he could make out Mickey's face. He was looking away, tears in his eyes.
"I didn't want any of this to happen," he started, so softly Victor could barely hear him.
"What do you mean? What did you think would happen if you sided with JJ?" Victor shot.
"I didn't want to help JJ!" he answered a little too loudly. The brown-haired fledgling clamped a hand over his mouth and waited for a second.
"When I was first turned, JJ offered me protection. I didn't know what he did to other humans, when I found out, I told him I was leaving the group. Then I found out he was targeting my sister. I begged him not to touch her. He said the only way he and his gang would stay away from her was if I joined. So I did. Then he found Yuri. I didn't want to be involved with this. I was going to- to come clean to Sara and take her far away from here but... when I got home that day, Emil was there. I knew if I tried to say anything, he'd kill her. It was like this for weeks. And when I got home tonight- she was gone! I'm sure Emil's done something. And he doesn't do anything unless JJ tells him to."
"Yuri and Guang Hong were both taken by JJ," Victor explained. "I'm going to rescue them."
"And how do you plan to do that?" Mickey challenged. "There are so many wards around that house that I don't think a single fly could get in if JJ didn't want it to."
"Well I was going to-" Victor stopped as a sudden thought hit him. "Are flys effected by wards?" He asked. Mickey stared at him.
"Never mind; just a thought," the silver-headed fledgling apologized.
"The point is, there's no way to break into JJ's house without breaking the wards first."
"How the heck are we supposed to do that?" Victor shot. Mickey hesitated.
"There's... a girl my sister was seeing for a long time..." he started carefully. "Since before I was turned." He paused.
"And?" Victor prodded impatiently.
"I didn't sense it until after I was a fledgling, but she wasn't human."
"So your sister was dating a vampire?" Victor asked. Mickey shook his head.
"That's the thing. She wasn't a vampire either. And about a week after I was turned, after I had joined JJ's gang, she disappeared. Sara was devastated. A month later I found her again, hiding out in a cave in the nearby forest. She said if I told anyone where she was, she would kill my sister. I knew she wouldn't, but I kept her secret."
"If she wasn't a vampire, and she wasn't a human..." Victor began, "what was she?" Mickey took a deep breath.
"I think she was a witch."

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