Chapter 27

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The slamming of a door jolted Yuri harshly out of his dreamless slumber. He sat up, locking eyes with a bleary-eyed Guang Hong, who had also been sleeping.
"Was that a door?" He asked. Yuri nodded. Suddenly, the door to the basement- their prison- opened with just as much force. The two humans pressed against the wall as JJ stormed into the room. The vampire glanced at them, his face a mask of fury.
"That filthy traitor," he hissed almost to himself. Guang Hong and Yuri exchanged nervous glances. The look in JJ's eyes was murderous, and they were very aware that his anger would most likely be taken out on them. The vampire stepped forward. The two humans shied back, but JJ grabbed their forearms and hauled them to their feet. He stalked out of the room, dragging them with him.
Sara scowled at Emile.
"I don't want to hear anything you have to say," she seethed. He laughed.
"Really? You're not curious about why you're here? You're not wondering what we're going to do with you?"
"We?" Sara repeated.
"I thought you didn't want to know anything," Emile teased.
Suddenly a text alert sounded. Emile pulled his phone out of his pocket, and looked at the text. He frowned and let out a sigh.
"I guess I won't get to tell you anything after all," he lamented. "You'll just have to figure it out along the way."
Despite her protests, he picked Sara up bridal style and sped away at super speed.
"That was crazy," Mickey whispered. Victor nodded in agreement. Mila stumbled a little, and the fledglings rushed to her side. They reached her, and she waved them away, annoyed.
"I'm not fragile," she snapped. "But that did take a little more out of me than I expected."
"Are you ok?" Victor asked.
"Fine!" She answered, irritated. Victor noticed a tiny trickle of blood oozing from her nose. She wasn't fine, but she was too proud to say anything.
"Ok," Victor said, unconvinced. "Are you going in with us?" He asked.
"Of course I am. I came here to save Sara. And your boyfriend- sorry friend."
Victor ignored the comment about Yuri, though he felt heat rising to his face.
"Let's just go save them," he urged. "Mickey?"
"It's a pretty big house. He brainwashed some poor, filthy-rich humans- I don't know if they're still alive. The house has two stories and a pretty big basement. It makes the most sense to keep prisoners in the basement, so that's probably where they are. But I'm sure he'll be keeping a pretty close eye on Yuri. He's completely obsessed with his blood."
Mila sighed. "This will not be a stealth mission."
"Probably not," Mickey agreed.
"Why is JJ so obsessed anyways?" Victor wondered, trying to keep his emotions under control.
"Something about old blood?" Mickey answered. "I didn't really understand what he meant when he said that."
"Old blood?" Mila repeated urgently, a serious expression on her face.
"Yeah, that's what JJ said," Mickey told her uncomfortably.
"If that's the case, he must me even older than I thought. Centuries older," she mused. Her eyes widened. "If that's the case, he may be getting more powerful every second we waste. Let's go!" She took off sprinting towards the mansion. The fledglings were surprised, but they caught up and kept pace with Mila easily.
"Why would he be getting stronger?" Victor asked.
"Because if what I think is going on is happening, JJ's gotten his hands on old blood: blood a hundreds times more powerful and filling than the blood modern humans have. And with every drop of Yuri's blood he consumes, he gains more and more powerful."
It took all of Victor's willpower not to run ahead and leave Mila and Mickey in the dust. The very thought of someone hurting Yuri made his heart beat with a terrible rage. He wanted to make JJ pay, make him hurt. The vampire deserves to suffer for what he'd done.
Victor would make him pay.

Yuri on Ice: Vampire AUWhere stories live. Discover now