Chapter 14

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Yuri woke in the middle of the night. At first he wasn't sure why. He lay for a moment, drowsy. And then he heard a yell from downstairs. It was Yurio, and he heard others shouting as well.
He bolted from the bed, and sprinted out of his room, launching himself down the stairs to where he'd heard the shouting. He arrived to a scene that would live in his nightmares forever.
Phichit and Victor were holding Yurio back. Yurio was shrieking hysterically, trying to reach the prone figure of Otabek, who was lying in the floor. Black liquid that was definitely not human blood soaked the carpet. Otabek's legs were twisted at an awkward angle, and his arm was almost disconnected from his shoulder. His clothes were soaked black. Minami sat on the floor next to him, his leg gushing the same liquid.
"Otabek!!!" Yurio screamed, tears streaming down his face. Chris was kneeling next to Otabek, occasionally zooming out of sight and reappearing as he used his super speed to get materials. He spotted Yuri standing there, looking shocked.
"Yuri, towels," he ordered, voice shaking almost imperceptibly. Yuri stared for a moment, she'll-shocked, then nodded and dashed up the steps again, grabbing as many towels from his bathroom as he could carry. He ran down the stairs as fast as he could, and dumped them in a pile by Chris.
"Take one, and help Minami," the vampire said, wiping as much 'blood' off of Otabek, whose clothing had been removed, as he could. Yuri complied as quickly as he could.
"Wh-what happened?" He asked Minami as he pressed a towel to his leg with shaking hands.
"JJ, Emil, and Seung Gil all attacked us at once," the small vampire said wearily. "We didn't stand a chance. Emil and Seung Gil did... that to Otabek and... JJ got my leg before I could escape with Otabek. If I were any slower we... both would've died." He winced as Yuri pressed on the wound.
"Sorry," Yuri said. "I need to stop the... the blood so you don't bleed out." Minami gritted his teeth as Yuri tied the towel around his leg.
They both tried to ignore the sobs coming from Yurio, who had stopped trying to fight his way over to Otabek. Phichit held him up while Victor helped Chris with Otabek.
"Yuri, will you help Minami to the living room?" Phichit asked. "Put him on the couch."
Yuri nodded, acting as Minami's crutch. They hobbled to the living room, where Yuri eased the injured vampire onto the couch.
"Do you need anything?" He asked anxiously.
"Some... one of the blood bags from the fridge... please," Minami requested. Yuri ran to the kitchen, and grabbed one, racing back and handing it to Minami.
"Thank you. You should... go see if they need help with Otabek," he said as he opened the bag. Yuri nodded and ran back to where the others were.
"Is there anything I can do to help?" He asked.
"Yes," Chris answered briskly."Get as many blood bags as you can carry and bring them here."
Yuri darted to the kitchen again. He stuffed his arms full with as many bags as he could. He carried sixteen bags back to Chris, who instantly ripped one open, and put it to Otabek's mouth.
"Thank you, Yuri," Victor said gently.
"Come on, come on," Chris muttered urgently. "Wake up, Otabek."
With the black blood cleaned off, Yuro could see where Otabek's wounds were. His torso had three long gashes in it, and his legs had been broken so completely the bone poked through. His arm was still gushing 'blood' through the towels, so he couldn't tell what had happened to it.
Suddenly, Otabek's eyelids fluttered, and he let out a moan of pain.
"Beka!" Yurio cried in relief.
"Y-Yuri-o," Otabek murmured. Phichit let Yurio run to him.
"I'm here, Beka. I'm here." He grasped Otabek's hand and held tight.
"Yuri," Victor said softly. Yuri looked up, wondering why he couldn't see Victor clearly. He realized it was because he was crying. He wiped his eyes with the back of his hand, and looked at Victor. The vampire's eyes were rimmed with red, and he wrapped his arms around Yuri.
"Will Otabek be ok?" Yuri asked, voice think with emotion.
"I don't know," Victor answered voice trembling, "but I do know that JJ will have to answer for this. We'll make him pay, Yuri, for all the pain he's caused."
His voice hardened with fury, and he said the last words with a snarl. A week ago, the anger in Victor's voice would have terrified Yuri. But now, looking at Otabek, who was at death's door, he could only feel a desire to make Victor's words become truth.
"I can't wait," he answered darkly, voice trembling with rage and pain.

A/N: I don't usually do these, but I feel like I need to apologize for the pain I just caused you. (And Otabek.) 😭😭😭 I'M SO SORRY!!! For the really dark chapter, and the cliffhanger.

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