Chapter 36

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A/N: just a quick warning! This chapter is kinda disturbing, and there are some heavy horror themes. If that type of stuff bothers you a lot, you can skip to the end and I'll put a quick summary. If not, please enjoy this monstrosity! 😂




JJ took his time following the sweet scented blood trail. A crazed smile marred his face as he warred between roaring fury and the excitement of the hunt.
His prey couldn't escape. When he'd looted the witch's cave, he'd found a huge stash of blood wards. Only those entered in the wards could pass through, and he'd placed them on nearly every possible exit to his mansion. He'd ran out on the third floor, so there were a few widows without them. It wasn't a problem. Humans were pathetically fragile. Unlike vampires, they couldn't jump out a measly three story drop and be fine.
JJ had all the time in the world. He was going to enjoy this. And the pitiful humans would suffer for making him pay. He wouldn't kill Yuri, of course. No, not the sweet little human who would make him the most powerful being on the planet. But he would teach Yuri not to defy him. A stunt like this would not go unpunished.
JJ let out another wild laugh. The distant sounds of quick footsteps had stopped. Like he thought, his prey had given up trying to escape, and was now hiding.
"Playing hide and seek, hmm?" He called. The words echoed, cutting through the thick silent. There was no response, of course, but he knew he'd been heard.
"You know you can't hide for long, don't you? You're only delaying the inevitable."
The only break in the silence that followed was the sound of his footsteps.
The trail of blood was getting sparser, but it had brought JJ far enough. He could hear the faintest shallow, panicked breathing, and a barely audible, rapid pulse.
There was a small smear of blood against the wall. JJ swiped his fingers through it and licked them. He hummed at the taste.
"Looks like you left me a little snack here," he said, smiling when the human's breath hitched. This was something he'd missed while playing nice. The delectable scent the humans gave off when they felt the desperate fear of being hunted. It was something he couldn't get enough of.
"Come out, come out wherever you are," he called, stepping closer and closer to where he knew the human was hiding. They weren't together, but he had all the time in the world to play. Two hunts was twice the fun.
He stopped just outside the room he could hear the racing heartbeat in.
"You know, if you come out now, I won't make it hurt… much," JJ said, relishing the sound of the muffled sob. He waited several excruciating seconds, toying with the human.
"Oh well," he sighed mockingly. He walked a few feet away from the door, making sure his footsteps could be heard, then glided silently back in front of the door. The human was holding his breath in terrified anticipation. It was almost a full minute before he breathed again. The second the human let out a sigh of relief, JJ grinned, pushing the door open with glee.
He let out a laugh at the terrified gasp from the human. It came from the small wardrobe at the side of the room. JJ was honeslty impressed the human had managed to squeeze inside.
He carefully shut the door behind him.
"Only one? How sad."
The stifled sobs from the wardrobe were music to his ears. He walked slowly, purposefully towards the humans hiding spot. With a cruel smile, he knocked on the door.
"Not going to answer the door? How rude," JJ whispered to the human inside. His prey was hyperventilating now, and JJ decided that was enough toying with him for now. He didn't want the human to pass out before he got done playing, after all.
He pulled the door open slowly, revealing the trembling, tearstained human inside. His prey tried to push past him, but JJ caught him with laughable ease, letting out a snort.
"Really? You think you had a chance at escaping me?" JJ asked with a smirk. The human didn't answer, his pale face fixed downwards.
JJ grabbed a fistful of the human's hair, lifting him up with one hand. He let out a pained whimper and JJ smiled. The vampire ran a thumb along his neck searching.
"You know, Guang Hong," he said, reveling in the shudder the human gave when he used his name, "though your blood isn't nearly as good as Yuri's, it's still quite sweet."
Terrified tears leaked out of Guang Hong's eyes and JJ inhaled deeply through his nose. Oh, how he loved the heady scent of terror.
"I don't mind having a quick snack before I go find the main course," JJ whispered, and sunk his teeth sharply into Guang Hong's neck, avoiding the main vein. He drank deeply, then bit down yet again.
He didn't want to take too long, but he needed to take his anger out on someone. After all, he didn't want to risk hurting delectable little Yuri. At least, not beyond repair.
Guang Hong, on the other hand, was perfectly expendable. Yes, with this human, he could play as much as he wanted.




Summary for those who skipped: JJ searches the house, following the blood trail and eventually the sounds he can hear. He finds Guang Hong hiding in a wardrobe and toys with him before draining his blood.
Thanks for reading!

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