Chapter 12

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"I'm really sorry," Yuri apologized for the twentieth time. "I feel so bad, breaking down like that the first time somebody threatened me."
Victor sighed, and took his hands, making Yuri blush.
"Yuri," he said kindly, "I told you, there's no shame in fear. You've never had to deal with something like this before. Nobody judges you for being afraid."
Yuri didn't meet his eyes. He was too busy trying to keep his heart rate under control. Victor could hear his heart beating; how embarrassing would it be if he knew just how nervous he made Yuri?
Yuri felt a hand on his chin. He forgot all about controlling his pulse as Victor gently turned his head, making him look in his eyes.
Victor's beautiful blue eyes captured Yuri's brown ones, and he was unable to look away.
"Yuri," Victor said softly. "Do you trust me?"
"Of course," Yuri answered with no hesitation.
"I had an idea," Victor began.
Just then, Phichit walked into the house, and Victor looked away from Yuri, breaking the trance that held Yuri. He wondered if Victor had even realized just how deep under his spell he had been.
"Guys, I've got great news!" Phichit gushed.
"What?" Yuri asked.
"One of our contacts has responded! He's an older vampire, a guy I knew a while ago. He's going to start teaching at our school starting tomorrow."
"What's his name?" Victor asked.
"Celestino! He's really good, and JJ and his crew don't know about him. I'm gonna go tell the others," Phichit started bounding up the stairs.
"Chris isn't here; he's making sure JJ's gang doesn't go after Guang Hong or Leo," Victor called after him. Phichit gave him a thumbs up to show he heard.
"So... what was the idea you had?" Yuri asked once Phichit was gone. Victor suddenly looked a lot less confident.
"Well... we can talk about that later," he evaded. Yuri was curious, but didn't push.
"Alright," he said. Then he was suddenly nervous. He was alone (sort of) with Victor. What should he talk about? He racked his brains, trying to think of something to talk about. He didn't want to sound boring. He needed to talk about something they had a mutual like for! Why was this so hard?
"I wish we could go skating," Victor said wistfully after a long silence. Yuri inwardly cursed himself for not thinking of that topic sooner. Outwardly, he smiled.
"So do I," he agreed. "It's too bad we don't have an indoor rink here."
"That would be awesome!" Victor agreed. A thoughtful look appeared on his face.
"What?" Yuri asked.
"Nothing, I just had an idea," Victor said, looking off into space.
"Uh... the same one as before or-"
"No, no," Victor interrupted, "a different one."
Yuri looked at him curiously, wondering what he was thinking. A broad grin broke out on Victor's face.
"I'll be back," he promised, then he super-sped away. Yuri wondered what he was up to.
He only saw Victor a couple of times the rest of the day. Phichit invited him to play a video game, and, bored without Victor to talk to, Yuri accepted. Once, as Yuri was getting a drink of water, he saw a silvery blur.
Was that Victor? He wondered. After he'd eaten dinner, (a sandwich and chips, courtesy of the nearby convenience store, and Phichit's super speed) he sat on the couch, and watched figure skating on tv, wishing like crazy he could skate. It had been over a week since he had last set foot in the rink, and he was aching to practice.
"Hey, Yuri," he heard Victor say. He jumped and turned around. Victor was standing behind him, a mysterious grin on his face.
"Oh, hey Victor," Yuri said, shivering a little. When had it gotten so cold?
"I have a surprise for you," Victor said mischievously. He extended his hand. "Want to see?"
Heart fluttering nervously, Yuri accepted Victor's hand.
"Close your eyes," Victor said. After a moments hesitation, Yuri squeezed his eyes shut. Suddenly, Victor picked him up, making him blush. Yuri felt a rushing sensation, like he was on a roller coaster, and he knew Victor was super-speeding him away somewhere.
They stopped, and Yuri instantly began shivering. Victor set him down, keeping a hold of his hand.
"Wh-wh-where are we?" Yuri asked. "It's freezing!"
"Sorry!" Victor said, wrapping his arm around Yuri to keep him warm.
Yuri remembered a previous conversation they'd had, where Yuri had asked why vampires were warm. He had noticed it before, and had been puzzled, remembering all the legends about vampires having no blood.
"We have no heartbeat, and blood doesn't run in our veins," Victor had started, putting Yuri's hand on his chest to prove his point, "but something keeps us alive. Something powers us, and carries the nutrients and oxygen around our body. I don't know what it is, but it's why I'm alive and breathing, and it's why I'm warm to the touch."
Yuri snuggled into Victor, blushing slightly, and keeping his eyes closed.
"It has to be cold for this to work," Victor explained.
"For what to work?" Yuri asked, curiosity piqued.
"Open your eyes and see."

Yuri on Ice: Vampire AUWhere stories live. Discover now