Chapter 24

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"That idiot!" Yurio shouted. "He must have gone back to JJ's house when he heard Yuri was missing!"
"What do we do?" Minami asked. Chris let out a frustrated sigh.
"I don't know if there's anything we can do," he answered.
"Victor will never get Yuri back on his own!" Phichit fretted.
"Let's see if we can find him, then we'll work from there," Chris decided.
"I'm coming with you," came a strained voice from the stairs.
"Beka!" Yurio shouted, racing to the steps. The taller boy was pale, leaning against the railing of the steps for support, but his face was set in determination.
Yurio raced up the steps two at a time to where Otabek was standing. He slipped under his arm, and helped support him.
"Otabek, you can barely stand," Phichit reminded the fledgling. Otabek clenched his jaw, looking away.
"It's my fault Yuri was taken. I could hear the whole thing, but I couldn't get here quick enough to stop it."
"It is not your fault Beka!" Yurio said hotly.
"Otabek, the best thing you can do for us is to stay and recover. We'll need you to be at full strengths for the battles that will come," Chris told him.
After a long silence, Otabek nodded, looking like it killed him to do nothing while a friend was in danger.
"We'll be back as soon as possible," Phichit said. Yurio helped Otabek to the couch, and then the vampires left.
"Mila, please, wait!" Mickey shouted desperately. The witch considered, then relented.
"You have thirty seconds, then you and your friend are dead," she stated, holding up a finger and beginning to count.
"Sara is in danger!" Mickey blurted immediately. Mila stopped counting. Her eyes widened with worry, but just as quickly, they narrowed in suspicion.
"How do I know you aren't just saying that to save your own skins?" She questioned.
"I swear! Check for yourself if you don't believe me. I came home the other day, and she was gone! JJ must have taken her."
"You idiot! Why would you let that scumbag anywhere near Sara?!" Mila snapped.
"As soon as I found out what JJ was, I was going to tell her, and go far away from here, but JJ had one of his lackeys hanging around her, and it was too late! He would have killed her!!!"
Mila cursed under her breath.
"If I found out you're lying, worse fates then death await you," she warned.
"I'm not!" Mickey swore.
"JJ took someone that I care about, too," Victor input cautiously, not wanting to aggravate the witch. "A human. And-"
"You mean Yuri?" Mila asked. Victor was shocked. He started to nod, then realized he couldn't move his head.
"Yes. How did you know?"
"The current war between the vampire clans is something everyone aware of the supernatural knows about. I don't want to get mixed up in this; Id rather avoid bloodbaths. But I'll help you rescue your boyfriend."
Victor flushed. "He isn't my..." he stopped himself. "Thank you."
Mila snapped her fingers. The binding dissolved with an audible hiss, and the fledglings could move again.
"After Sara is safe, I never want to see you again," she told Mickey. He nodded.
"Why do you hate vampires so much?" Victor asked curiously. Mila shot him a glare.
"Vampires and witches have been enemies for centuries. The witches who don't practice dark magic mainly use paradoxical magic and the magic inherently in nature to fuel our spells. The vampires have an unnatural yet anti-paradoxical nature to them that renders most witches spells useless."
Neither knowing anything about witches except that they created wards, Victor and Mickey were intrigued.
"How do the wards work on vampires then?" Victor asked.
"Didn't I just tell you we use paradoxical magic? Things that shouldn't work work when witches are involved." The answer was mysterious, and fueled their curiosity.
"How is it that JJ has so many wards around his home?" Mickey questioned.
A snarl painted itself on Mila's usually friendly face.
"The son of a warthog stole them from me. They were written spells: magic stored in writing to be used later," she explained when she saw their puzzled expressions. "That's why I've been so paranoid lately. So," she put an arm around each of them. It seemed a friendly enough gesture, but they sensed the threat behind it: try any funny business, and I'll snap your neck. They didn't know whether a witch would be strong enough to do that, but it was better to be on the safe side.
"I'm assuming the reason you came to me for help was because of the wards?" Mickey nodded.
"As soon as you became a vampire, I knew you'd find out I was a witch. That was why I left."
"Do you really hate vampires that much?" Victor asked. Mila smirked.
"It may seem difficult to believe- considering how easy it was to defeat you- but a full vampire can make a pretty formidable opponent for a young witch like me."
A question formed on Victor's lips, but he thought better of asking it, and forced it down.
"About to ask how old I was?" Mila inquired. Victor nodded sheepishly.
"Tsk tsk, don't you know?" She scolded, turning so they couldn't see the smirk forming on her face.
"Never ask a lady her age."

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