Chapter 34

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Chris froze as a crackle of magic tore through the air. Yurio stumbled, barely stopping before running into his back. Phichit and Minami slowed a little more controlled, sliding to a halt a little ways past Chris.
"Do you feel that?" Chris whispered, brows furrowed. The other three looked uncomfortable. Minami had chills on his arms.
Suddenly, pained screams tore through the silence, making all four of them jump. Phichit shivered.
"Whoever that witch is, I'm glad they're on our side," he muttered.
The screams didn't last for long, but the four vampires could still feel the ward up by the roof.
"I just hope they don't make things worse," Chris sighed and Yurio grumbled in agreement.
When they reached the house, Chris stopped again. He glared at the door, feeling a faint sense of pulsing magic. Yurio reached out past him to grab the handle, but both Phichit and Chris grabbed one of his arms, keeping him from touching the door.
"What the hell?" Yurio griped, glaring at them both. He shook off their arms, but didn't reach out again.
"It's warded," Chris explained shortly. He eyed the door carefully, wondering if they could go through a window. He glanced at it, but he could see a shimmering piece of paper through the glass.
"Then kick the wall down, dumbass," Yurio said, aiming a vicious kick at the wall. It barely dented it, and Yurio winced.
"The walls here are really thick," Phichit said, aiming his own half-hearted kick at the side of the mansion. Chris nodded in agreement.
"It would take far too long, and draw attention to us. We need another way in."
"What about the wind-"
"Also warded."
Chris glanced at Minami. The young vampire hadn't said a word during their exchange, which was odd. He was looking up and frowning thoughtfully. Yurio and Phichit were still arguing in the background.
"Can't we just kick down the door?"
"If you want to break your leg, sure."
There was a thud, then a series of Russian swears.
Chris ignored them, walking over to Minami.
"Do you have an idea?" He asked. Minami shrugged unsurely.
"Maybe. It might not work," the tiny vampire replied.
"What is it?" Chris asked. Phichit and Yurio had stopped arguing and were looking towards them now.
"Well, these windows are warded..." Minami stated hesitantly. "But would they have warded all of the windows? Like... the ones on the upper floors for example?"
The other three turned to look up as one.
"I don't see anything on the second floor windows," Phichit said excitedly. Yurio didn't wait, leaping as high as he could. He managed to grab onto the windowsill, and he pulled himself up.
"Careful!" Phichit called, earning the middle finger from the blonde. Phichit rolled his eyes, but looked worried all the same.
Balancing on the narrow ledge and hanging on with one hand, Yurio pulled his foot back. He kicked as hard as he could, but his foot froze just before it reached the window. Electricity jolted through him, and he was launched backwards. Chris caught him, keeping the younger vampire steady.
"Ow," Yurio said, too dazed to even curse. Minami looked disappointed.
"Second story is out. But that doesn't mean they warded every floor," Chris said. "If the witch is fighting on our side, it's likely that JJ stole whatever spells he's using. As far as I know, only witches can actually use magic, even just copying spells, so it's likely there's a limited number. We can check the other second floor windows, or even the third floor ones."
Minami smiled, and turned to Phichit.
"If you launch me up, I might go higher," he said.
"Think you can reach the third floor?" Phichit asked, stooping down to boost Minami in a move the cheer team often used.
"I think it's more of a question of if you can reach the third floor," Minami teased. He jumped as Phichit launched him upwards, managing to grab on to the wall about halfway between the second and third stories.
"Guess not," he called down, and Phichit stuck his tongue out.
Yurio had shaken off the shock from the spell, and was about to launch himself up when Chris grabbed his arm.
"For God's sake, at least check for the spells before trying to kick the window in," he said, exasperated.
Yurio shook him off, cheeks turning pink as Phichit and Minami laughed at him.
"Shut up!" he muttered, shooting them an angry glare.
Chris sighed, but couldn't keep the fond smile off his face as the three argued like children. He wondered if this was what mothers dealt with. A large chunk of brick landed on his head, and he shot an unamused look at a sheepish Minami, who had apparently been aiming at Yurio.
"Brats," he said, shaking his head.

Yuri on Ice: Vampire AUWhere stories live. Discover now