Chapter 4

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Yuri was finally settling in to CMHS. He had more friends than he had ever had in his entire life, one of which was his idol. He had stopped freaking out whenever Victor talked to him. Well mostly. He had looked up the translation of the schools name. He had felt a little queasy when he found it pretty much meant 'gory death'. But despite that, he was settling in.
Well, almost. There was still one thing that bugged him. The main problem was that he had no idea what it was. But he kept getting weird chills, had the feeling that he was being watched, heard strange noises at night. He thought it must be a symptom of his anxiety or something. He just ignored it, and tried to continue on with his life.
However, he would soon regret not paying more attention.
It really started one day when he decided to visit the ice rink. To his surprise nobody was there. Usually at least one other person was practicing. Not today. He had the rink all to himself.
The thought had just crossed his mind, when he got the now familiar feeling of being watched. He whipped his head right and left, but saw no one.
"Hello?" He called. No response. He shrugged, and sat down to untie his shoes.
Suddenly he heard a whooshing noise. Before he could turn to investigate, a hand as cold and hard as steel closed around his mouth. Simultaneously, an arm wrapped around his torso, pinning his arms to his side. Yuri's yelp of surprise turned into a muffled grunt. He squirmed, trying to escape his captor's iron grip, to no avail.
There was another whooshing noise, and Yuri experienced an intense feeling of pressure, as if he was on a roller coaster. Wind roared in his ears. Then it was over. He was on the roof of the building. Before he could even process this, his captor dropped him on the floor.
"You can scream all you want, but nobody will hear you," he heard a familiar voice say. Yuri spun around.
"JJ?!" He asked, bewildered.
"W-what are you... is this a prank?" Yuri was still confused as to how the heck he had gotten on the roof of their school, but he knew upperclassmen would play pranks on unsuspecting freshman sometimes. He thought this must be one of them.
"You scared the crap out of me!" Yuri said, laughing nervously. JJ wasn't responding.
"Uh... JJ? What-" he stopped. He had just realized something wasn't quite right. JJ's eyes were red. And not just the irises... the pupil too. They were a dark, blood red that gave Yuri chills. He supposed they must be colored contacts. Still it was unnerving. Then he saw the fangs.
"Why do you have fangs...?" Yuri asked. He was really getting nervous now. Then JJ's eyes glowed with a harsh red light.
"You haven't guessed by now?" JJ mocked. He took a step towards Yuri, who took a step back. Suddenly, JJ wasn't there anymore. Yuri blinked, and jumped when he felt a hand on his shoulder. He pulled away and JJ was standing there. How had he moved so quickly? It was impossible! It was- Yuri froze as a realization struck him. It was inhuman.
JJ saw it click home.
"That's right, Yuri. I'm not human," he taunted, moving towards the freshman. Yuri backed away quickly, only to find that JJ was no longer in front of him, but behind him.
"I can hear your pulse rising. You're afraid. And with good reason."
Yuri looked around, desperately searching for an escape. He had realized what JJ was, and he knew he needed to get out of there.
"There's no way off the roof. At least, none that a human could use. You're stuck up here."
Yuri looked up to see JJ an inch from his face.
"With a vampire."

Yuri on Ice: Vampire AUWhere stories live. Discover now