Chapter 17

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Yuri and Victor were sitting at the table, staring at the mostly useless notes. Victor heaved a large sigh.
"I wish we could get some news. It's been a week, and still nothing new!"
Suddenly the front door slammed open with a loud crash, startling both of them. Yuri stood up, accidentally knocking his chair backwards, and Victor fell out of his chair.
Yurio, who was taking a break from helping Otabek, saw them and snorted. Both blushing, Victor stood, and Yuri picked up the chair.
It turned out, it was Phichit.
"Guys!" He gasped, face practically glowing with excitement. "I have great news!"
"Well?" Chris asked, closing the door Phichit had left open in his hurry. "What is it?"
"I found him!" Phichit said.
"You what?!" Victor yelled.
"I saw JJ. And saw where he went. Basically I know where he is!" Phichit was bouncing with nervous energy.
"Where?" Chris questioned.
"Only a few blocks away, in the Hill's house," he said.
"Is Minami still out there?" Yuri asked.
"He's watching the house, making sure he doesn't leave or anything," the explanation came. "He doesn't know we know where he is yet!" Phichit said excitedly,
"We have to attack before he does," Chris said. "We'll only have a small window of time."
A sudden tension entered the room. After nearly a month, (in which Yuri's school work had really built up) they were finally going to end this.
Half an hour later, Yuri sat alone at the table. Everyone had gone, except for he and Otabek. There was still too great a risk for Yuri, and Otabek wasn't healed enough to go.
The vampires had warned him not to invite anyone inside. Anyone could be a vampire in disguise, recruited to JJ's cause. It was unlikely, but it was better to err on the side of caution.
Yuri had gone upstairs to see if Otabek needed anything, but found him sleeping. He didn't want to wake him, so he went back downstairs and sat.
The waiting was the worst part, especially when he didn't know what was going on. What if JJ's gang had already massacred his friends? What if they were all dead?
What if he would never see Victor again?
He shook his head, as if to knock the negative thoughts loose.
Everything's going to be fine, he told himself firmly. They're going to be fine, they're going to defeat JJ, and everything's going to go back to normal.
He jumped as he heard a loud knock. Heart racing, he stood. What if he opened it, and it was JJ? Or one of his lackeys?
He reasoned with himself. He didn't actually have to answer it. But he was really curious. Another knock sounded.
He would just make sure that he wouldn't invite whoever it was in. Under no circumstances. At all.
He walked to the door and opened it. His eyes widened in surprise. Probably the last person he expected to be knocking was standing there, tears in his eyes.
"L-Leo?!" Yuri exclaimed incredulously.
"Yuri? Please, it- it's Guang Hong. Something's... something's happened."
Yuri's heart went cold.
He'd struck again.

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