Chapter 29

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Victor began to tremble in rage. All his thoughts vanished into a storm cloud of anger. He hadn't even realized he was moving forward until he felt Mila's hand on his arm holding him back.
"Not yet," she muttered, her other hand clenched into a tight ball.
"Sara," Mickey breathed, face chalky with fear.
"We can't just stand here doing nothing!" Victor protested, eyes flicking up to Yuri on the roof. He looked so scared. Victor couldn't stand it, he had to do something, anything!
"Trust me," Mila breathed, "we'll have our opportunity soon. We just have to distract him long enough."
"Distract him?" Mickey parroted, confusion written on his face. "How are we supposed to do that?"
A powerful wave of magic swept over the area, nearly knocking the two fledglings off their feet.
"Leave that to me." Mila replied darkly.


The four vampires were crouched silently. Each of their faces were set in a grim line.
Chris, Yurio, Phichit, and Minami had all heard JJ's statement, just as clearly the others had.
"Victor has to be the fledgling," Phichit muttered, "but who are the other two?"
"Considering he's threatening Sara, I'm willing to bet Mickey's the traitor," Chris said thoughtfully. "I don't have a clue who the witch could be, and considering the situation, I don't think we have the time to figure it out."
"We're just lucky JJ hasn't sensed us," Minami added. Chris nodded, but stopped, a strange look on his face.
"Lucky..." He breathed. "Or are we?"
"What are you talking about?" Yurio snapped in a whisper. His fists were clenched so tightly that his nails were digging into his skin. Chris broke into a wild grin.
"I think I have a plan."


Piece by bloody piece.
The words rang through Emile's head as he stared at the limp form of Sara. His body was rigid with tension. He knew that JJ said they were superior to humans. They were on the top of the food chain. But Sara was different. She was kind and smart and full of fiery passion.
Piece by bloody piece.
She wasn't interested in Emile beyond friendship, but that was ok with him. Just being around her was good enough for him. Besides, he could never have a real relationship with a human.
Even knowing that, Emile couldn't help but love her. JJ knew he cared for Sara. He had promised that she would be safe, that they were only doing this to her to keep Mickey from making a horrible decision.
Piece by bloody piece.
Then JJ had thrown her to the side like trash. Emile glanced from her unconscious body to the pale, shaking forms of Yuri and Guang Hong. He'd sat passively by while they were taken too. He'd let JJ placate him with flimsy reasons for so many things.
They'd taken Guang Hong to get to Yuri. They were taking Yuri because they could feed from only him and never need to drink from another human again.
But he'd overlooked what they were really doing in favor of the greater good.
As he looked at Yuri and Guang Hong, he didn't see two lesser beings, or means to an end. He just saw two terrified teenagers that he had helped kidnap.
And the worst thing was that there was nothing he could do. Neither Georgi nor Seung Gil seemed bothered at all by JJ's violent threats. They were completely loyal to the elder vampire. They wouldn't stand with Emile. If he even attempted to fight or argue against JJ, he'd be deemed a traitor and killed.
Suddenly, his gaze met two frightened brown eyes. Yuri stared at him for a moment, face far too pale. He must have seen the conflict and hurt on Emile's face because he offered a brief, wavery smile.
Emile's throat clenched with guilt.
He grit his teeth and stared at the ground.
JJ would tear his world apart, piece by bloody piece. He couldn't save these innocent humans. He couldn't even save himself.
There was nothing Emile could do.

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