I'll Keep You Warm

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“Harry Lad, where ya goin?” Louis asked the curly haired boy who was currently seated on the couch putting his shoes on.

“Out for dinner.”

“With whom?” Louis questioned.

“This girl,” Harry simply said, going to tie one of his shoes.

“Yeah? She cute?”

“Yes she is. But it’s not like that. She had a terrible morning and I felt bad so I offered to buy her dinner since she lost her breakfast.”

“Hm. That’s awful nice of you. You gonna bring her ‘round? I’d love to meet her,” Louis said from his new spot across from Harry.

“No mate. I’m almost certain she isn’t aware that I’m in One Direction and I just don’t want to take any risks.”

“Hold on there lad, she doesn’t know who you are? That’s absurd!” Louis exclaimed.

“No it’s not. And if she does know who I am she does a damn good job at treating me like she doesn’t and I like that about her.”

“You fancy her.”

“I do not. I don’t even know the girl! I just know her name!” Harry yelled while standing up and slipping his coat on.

“Whatever mate, in a few weeks you two will be dating,” Louis joked, but Harry took it all too serious.

“Mate! Now I know why Eleanor thinks you’re so annoying! Just leave me be and let me go have a nice time okay? You make it seem like I’ve never fancied a girl before!” Harry yelled out as he walked out of the flat he shared with Louis. As he walked down the hall he pulled out his phone to text the girl he was meeting:

I’m on my way to Nando’s, see you in a bit!

Harry looked over the text before he sent it and once he felt it was okay he sent it. Almost instantly he got a reply back.

From: Abby

I totally forgot to walk my dog this morning so she’s probably suffering right now! Do you just want to meet me at the Starbucks we ran into at? Yeah? And you can just come over to my place real quick? I don’t want to keep you waiting

I smiled at her message and decided to be a bit witty.

Thought you don’t want me knowing where you live? Cause I could be a ‘pedophile’? See ya in a bit

I stood on the curb outside and hailed a cab before the paps saw me. I hope they don’t ruin this night, as much as I want her to know who I am there’s a part of me that doesn’t want her knowing. She treats me how I wish more people treated me, like a normal human being.

The cabbie pulled up outside the Starbucks and I quickly handed him some money as I hopped out into the cold London air. I found a bench outside and took a seat as I waited for Abby to come meet me. I don’t know what it is about her but she just seems so interesting, and I really want to get to know her more. She’s not really my type though, I like short hair and girls who aren’t super skinny, but I loved her personality. She’s a female who isn’t afraid to curse, she’s humorous and you can tell she’s very independent. As I waited I decided to pull my phone out and check Twitter. I was scrolling through my timeline when a tweet caught my attention:

@Louis_Tomlinson: My mate @harry_styles left me for another woman! How dare him! Directioner’s do your thing and punish him! X

I groaned to myself at his tweet, he’s a real pain in my rear. Just as I was about to reply to him a person stood in front of me, facing me. I lifted my head up and my eyes came in contact with the face of Abby.

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