I'll Be Coming Back For You

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“I’m not going out tonight, Char! Now leave me alone!” I yelled at her as I slammed my bedroom door.

“You leave for Italy tomorrow; I just want to hang out with you!” Charlotte yelled as she followed me into my room.


“Because! When you leave I start early classes and I won’t have as much free time as I do now!” Charlotte countered.

“Fine! But I’m not dressing up!” I yelled at her as I grabbed my purse off my bed and stomped out of my room.

“You’re such a child, and I don’t expect you to dress up.”

We locked up the apartment and headed out to the street where we hailed a cab.

“Hyde Park please,” Charlotte told the driver and he made his way to our destination.

“Is there an event going on tonight?” I curiously asked her as I watched downtown London pass by through the back seat of the cab.

“Yeah, a coworker of mine told me about this street performer, he’s supposedly really good!” Charlotte exclaimed.

“Maybe I could take some photos of his performance for the photo gallery?!” I questioned aloud. The rest of the ride to Hyde Park was spent in silence as I took in the sights.

“Abs, we’re here,” Charlotte said as she began to step out of the cab. I climbed out after her and we began our walk into Hyde Park. I got side tracked with taking photos and was in and out of conversation with Charlotte, I could tell she was getting a little irritated but she was putting up with it. She knows I haven’t been in the mood for things lately, with what happened with Harry and all. I just haven’t been feeling myself lately.

“So are you excited for Italy?” Charlotte asked me as we approached a park bench by the bird sanctuary.

“Extremely excited, I just know I’ll be able to capture some beautiful images,” I gushed as we sat down.

“Where do you go after Italy?”

“I go to Africa for two weeks, now that one I’m beyond excited for, yet really scared at the same time,” I confessed.

“How come?”

“I know I’m going to get super depressed at all the little kids living in bad conditions. That’s why I’m staying for two weeks, because I won’t just be taking photos, I’ll be working with a charity that helps families suffering from fatal illnesses like malaria,” I told her.

“That’s really cool. For a twenty year old you’re doing a lot of awesome things. I’m so proud of you,” Charlotte said as she pulled me into her side.

“Thanks, so where’s this performer?” I asked her, looking around and not seeing anyone.

“He should be here any minute, but in the meantime I’m gonna run to the bathroom,” Charlotte said as she stood up and quickly walked away. Out of the corner of my eye I saw two dark figures walking along the path from the other direction, coming my way.

“Charlotte! I’m gonna get raped!!” I screamed, probably a little too over dramatic. Once the figured fully emerged I saw my Irish best friend, Niall and that idiot next to him. “I’m gonna kill, Charlotte,” I said loud enough for all of us to hear.

“Abby, you’re here,” Harry said, as if he were out of breath.

“Only because I was tricked into coming,” I rudely said and got up to leave.

“Please don’t go, Abby. Hear me out?” Harry asked.

“Why should I? So I can hear you talk about how you don’t like my wardrobe choices, or how I’m always getting attention from other guys. I don’t wanna hear it, Harry.”

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