Wake My Dreams

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It’s the night before I leave and Harry, luckily, didn’t have a show tonight so we could spend it together. Ever since we exchanged ‘I love you’ we have been on cloud nine, doing pretty much everything together. Since tonight was my last night here we decided we would go out to a nice dinner and then head back to the hotel where we would spend the rest of the night by ourselves, enjoying each other’s company. Currently, the girls and I were sat in the waiting room while the boys did a radio interview and I was scrolling through twitter when one of my mentions caught me by surprise.

@Mrs_Harry_Styles: Seriously? @AbbyEGrimes you are a disgusting, fat WHORE. Do us all a favor & disappear. @Harry_Styles what do you see in her? She’s hideous.

I don’t see how my eyes didn’t fall out of socket as I read the tweet, how can people be so mean? Curiosity got the best of me and I tapped on the girl’s profile, her bio read:

I’m Alana, I’m 13 years old and in love with Harry Styles. She’s thirteen! Are you kidding me? She’s that young and already becoming a cyber-bully, what is wrong with today’s generation! I continued to scroll down her tweets and all I saw were tweets directed towards me, with some very harsh and vulgar words attached.

“They aren’t worth your tears dear,” Danielle whispered into my ear and pointed to my phone. That’s when I realized I had let a few tears slip out, I quickly wiped them away.

“What’s so wrong is that she’s thirteen and saying these things,” I quietly told Danielle and she nodded her head.

“It’s what comes with dating one of the boys. You just need to push it to the side, I’ve been given death threats before as well,” Danielle told me as she wrapped an arm around me and held me in a comforting way.

“How’d you handle it?”

“I ignored them, of course Liam saw the mentions as well and stood up for me, but other than that I ignored them. Abby you are beautiful, don’t let jealous fans get into your head. You’ve got a good head on your shoulders,” Danielle said as she patted down some of my hair.

“Thanks Dani, you’re the best,” I told her as I hugged her. Once I pulled away from the hug I mustered up enough courage and hit the button to compose a tweet.

AbbyEGrimes: Thanks for such kind words @Mrs_Harry_Styles! Your opinion really matters to Harry and I! Have a lovely day, xx.

I smiled as I read over what I wrote and decided to post it. Being the witty girl I am I went into my photos and tapped on the photo of Harry and me that I took the first day I got here, and posted it to twitter.

@AbbyEGrimes: Time spent with @Harry_Styles is always perfect. pic.twitter.com/ig67Xzqwe9 (FAKE LINK)

Satisfied with everything I put my phone back into my purse and quietly waited for Harry to finish up the interview. About fifteen minutes later all of the boys ran out into the waiting room and Harry plopped himself down onto my lap, successfully squishing me.

“Really? You had to throw yourself on me,” I said to him as I wiggled around to get comfortable. He nodded his head and gave me a quick kiss.

“I saw your tweets, you sassy thing you,” Harry said with a smile on his face and I gave him one in return.

“That’s me!” I told him as I wrapped my arms around his torso.

“Did that person upset you?” Harry said, going from joking to serious in a millisecond. When I looked around I noticed everyone else had left.

“Um, a little bit. Just the fact that she was really young is what upset me the most,” I told him as I rested my head on his shoulder.

“Don’t let them get to you, you’re perfect in every single way,” Harry said as he slowly planted a kiss on my temple.

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