I Feel Like This Is The Beginning

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As you could imagine word got out about who I was and what I did after I made my Twitter and Harry posted a picture of me. I wasn’t mad though, Harry and I are now official so it was going to happen either way. The only thing I didn’t like was getting on my Twitter and checking my mentions to find his fans bashing me, not all were rude some actually approved and those ones I liked. Harry warned me about the fans and told me to ignore the rude ones and that is exactly what I did. Tonight was the night of Harry and the boys’ show, the one that kicked off the start of their American tour that lasted all summer and I was getting ready to head over to the venue. I’d just pulled on my brown riding boots when my phone started ringing like crazy, when I looked down at the screen Harry’s face was flashing across it. I smiled and brought the phone to my ear after hitting answer.

“Hello Harry,” I said as I walked over to my purse.

“Where are you!” He yelled into the phone and I could hear everyone else in the background.

“I’m about to leave my place and head over, why?”

“Because I miss you and Niall is hungry and was wondering if you’d pick up some McDonald’s for him?” Harry asked and as I placed everything into my purse and I walked over to my door.

“I guess I can, does anybody else want anything?” I asked as I took the stairs to the car lot and climbed into my mini cooper as Harry rattled off everyone’s orders.

“Okay is that it?” I said after I wrote down Zayn’s order.

“Yes, now get your pretty little self over here so I can kiss you!” Harry said and I hung the phone up while smiling. I went to the McDonald’s closest to the venue so the food wouldn’t get cold, and I ended up spending over 30 pounds for all the food. The young man that gave me my food looked at me as if I were fat or something seeing as I was the only person in the car and I had orders for multiple people. I got the food and I pulled into the area that Harry told me to park in when I put my car in park I pulled my phone out and dialed Harry’s number.

“Are you here?” He asked once he picked up the phone.

“Yes, now come help me carry all the food and stuff,” I said to him and quickly hung up. Not even 2 minutes later I saw Harry running around a corner headed straight for me, he came to an abrupt stop in front of me as I stood leaning against my car.

“Hello love!” He exclaimed and pressed his lips against mine. “I’ve been waiting to do that all day,” he said once he pulled away.

“Hey,” I said to him as I handed him the bags of food and I took the drink trays.

“How was your day?” Harry asked as we walked back to where everyone else was waiting.

“Long, boring, and long,” I told him as I almost tripped over an uneven piece of concrete.

“Careful love, I would hate for you to spill the drinks and end up having to take those clothes off,” Harry joked and I poked him with my elbow since my hands were full. Once we stepped into the boys’ dressing room everyone swarmed me and took their orders from me and Harry, once they were done Harry and I walked over to a vacant couch to eat ours and chat.

“How much did you spend?” Niall asked with his mouthful.

“Little over 30 pounds,” I nonchalantly said and all the boys, Eleanor and Danielle all started handing me money to pay me back. “Get your hands away from me!” I said to them all as I refused to take the money.

“Oh come on, don’t be stubborn! Take the money,” Harry said as he pushed his hand with 5 pounds closer to me.

“At least take mine! Half of my order was for my younger sister, Waliyha, who you have never met,” Zayn said as he flicked his head behind him and I peered around him to see a young girl sitting on the couch eating her food, who you could tell was related to the boy.

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