Just Give Me A Reason

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My day with the girls, Eleanor and Danielle, had just started when we decided we would like to grab a late lunch before shopping. We went to a small café in London and after we ordered our food we took a seat at a table and waited for the food to arrive.

“So Abby you and Harry, yeah?” Eleanor said as she sipped on her tea.

“What about us?” I asked confusion written on my face.

“You guys make it official yet, love?”

“Nope,” I casually said while I stirred some sugar into my coffee.

“Well why not?!” Danielle exclaimed.

“I don’t know. We’ve talked about it and we like what we are right now. A word isn’t tying us together and just a lot comes with being boyfriend and girlfriend. We like that we do things for one another because we want to and we don’t feel like we have to,” I explained to them and they nodded along.

“That’s really sweet,” Danielle said with a genuine smile on her face.

“Oh please! It’s sweet but come on! All the little fans on Twitter are already saying you two make the cutest couple, come on now love!” Eleanor exclaimed and I couldn’t help but laugh at her.

“Why do I feel like I miss out on a lot because I don’t have a Twitter?” I wondered aloud and Eleanor about spit her tea out.

“You don’t have a Twitter?! If that’s the case then you really are missing everything! That’s it, tonight we are making you one whether you like it or not!” She yelled and the people in the café stared at us rudely, she really is the female version of Louis. The waiter at the café brought us our food and we quickly dug in.

“So lovey, you and Harry going on a date tomorrow?” Danielle asked as she finished eating.

“Yeah, how’d you know?” I asked.

“Liam just sent me a text saying we were all meeting up at Embassy tomorrow after you and Harry go to dinner.”

“That news spread fast,” I nonchalantly said as I, too, finished eating.

“What are you wearing?” Danielle asked, making light conversation as Eleanor finished up.

“I’m not sure, all I know is I need to dress nice, that’s pretty much why we’re going to dinner in the first place, 'cause he wants to see me dressed up.”

“Well then, let’s go get you an outfit, yeah?” Eleanor said as she stood up from the table and we all followed after her. As we exited the shop and were walking along the street I felt my phone buzz, signaling I had a text.

From: Harry

I spot you. xx

My face scrunched up at the very vague text from Harry and when I lifted my head I peered around me and didn’t see the boy. I kept looking all around me and could not for the life of me find Harry and just when I was going to give up my phone started ringing, Harry was calling. I pressed answer and brought the phone to my ear.

“Can’t find me can you?” Harry said through the phone.

“No, where are you?” I asked. Just as I said it I felt someone tap me on my shoulder, I spun around and there stood the boy.

“Found me,” he said as he hung the phone up and pocketed it. He had on black ray bans, a grey shirt, black skinnys, his converse, and a grey beanie where his curls were pushed. I loved it when he wore a beanie with the curls put away.

“I’m not supposed to see you today Harry,” I warned him and his smile that was already on his face got bigger.

“What can I say? I don’t follow the rules,” he joked as he pulled me in for a hug. I wrapped my arms around him returning the hug.

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